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[LFS][Backgrounds][Illustrations] VN Help!

A topic by leafstarzz created 40 days ago Views: 169 Replies: 2
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I'm an aspiring game dev who is making a furry visual novel, but I have no experience with backgrounds or illustrations. I would like a couple more people (2-3) to help me make this vision come to life. Minors only as I am one myself!!,, dm on discord for more information @thewalkingdeadgame

(and who knows maybe we can make a friend within eachother)

Hii I have little experience on backgrounds, I wanna join so I can have practice! But if you wanted someone already used to drawing backgrounds then I guess that's too bad..! I wanna know more about the VN, can I know the 4 numbers on your discord?

it depends on the style, ive got a fairly geometric-ish and solid colored style ejen i do backgrounds. But if that's what you want, i can help.