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Box glitch

A topic by Alfie H created 16 days ago Views: 43 Replies: 3
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While I was playing fractured mind, I clicked on the box with the head and the screen just went black. I couldn’t interact with anything I couldn’t use the settings menu it just went blank. May be worth looking into.


Hey man, sorry to hear that. What do you mean by "box with the head"? If you're talking about that small nightstand that you have to pick the lock of, it has been removed in the latest version of the demo, give that a try if you want.

(1 edit)

I meant the wooden container with the lock, I did one more lap round on my 2nd try after seeing it for the first time and it worked properly then


Yeah it's a weird bug, that's why I removed the box completely in the latest version. Thanks for pointing it out though.