spine-chilling story of school scissors
- ending A: perform the ritual correctly! make sure you check your storage to find your friend's notebook. it will contain the correct sigil you will need to draw (the sigil is different in every playthrough.) the candles can be found by exploring the school.
- ending B: perform the ritual incorrectly! the only way i believe this is possible is by drawing the wrong sigil.
chilling chronicle of crimson cape
- ending A: successfully defeat aka manto (step on his mask edition!) in some playthroughs, it is possible to purchase or find a steak knife at the shop or in the school, respectively. however, more often than not, you will be unable to find a weapon. but don't lose hope because it is possible to bring him down with your fists and some spells. i highly recommend taking any chance you can to learn new ones.
- ending B: successfully defeat aka manto (the mask does not appear edition!) the only difference between this ending and the other is the text that appears at the end. i'm unsure if there is a specific way to acquire one particular ending.
far-out fable of a fear festival
- ending a: unknown! i have been unable to get this ending. if anyone else has, please let me know!
- ending b: the authorities defeat the cult! i'm unsure how i acquired this ending.
i'm unsure if these are all the endings. nonetheless, thank you for reading! i can't wait for the full release!! ♡