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Game Mechanics Suite by Rosie Carter

Here are some mechanics I have coded, hope you like them and I'd love feedback. · By Ravoid - (Rosie Carter)

Planning Complete

A topic by Ravoid - (Rosie Carter) created Feb 23, 2019 Views: 198
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Developer (1 edit)

More in-depth idea of what I want to do:

I’ll also be doing a pause menu which the player can use at any time, right now I only know how to make one work when the FirstPersonController from the standard assets is turned off.

Pause Menu - Got a pause screen working, so it’s done.

Scene 1 - I plan for this to showcase enemy pathfinding AI as well as them being able to damage you if you get too close since we have done this in class before, this could also introduce the idea of a UI element displaying your health? I’d have to figure how to cause a trigger for when you get below 0 health you’d restart the scene. I’d litter health packs around the maze as well. Once they get out of the maze they’ll be presented with a sign telling them a button to allow them to progress to the next scene.

Checklist of things I need to know how to do before completing this scene:

  • Pathfinding AI - This is all complete thankfully.
  • Damaging player if they get too close to an enemy - The enemy is moving and damaging!
  • Health Packs - Healing is working
  • Health UI element - My health function is working.
  • Make the scene restart when below 0 health - Completed!
  • Model the maze - Completed this.
  • Player Movement - Done.
  • Changing scenes via user input - This is done.
  • Make a sign to tell the player to change scenes at the end of the maze - Done

05/03/2019 - How this scene works is you have to find yourself a way through the maze while avoiding our enemy in the maze until you reach a sign that tells you to press ‘Page Up’ to go to the next scene. That is my final design and I have it functioning. - Finished on 7th March.

Scene 2 - In this scene/level it’s going to be very simple, I’m going to try to implement a teleportation device that the player can throw out and when it lands, they will be teleported to it. They’ll be introduced with an issue where there is a gap they can’t get over and to get over it they need to pick up the teleportation device and throw it onto the other side of the gap to progress and then be met with a similar sign.


  • Teleporter Model - Done this now.
  • Model the room - A peer helped me complete this task.
  • Make a teleportation script - Working on it (05/03/2019)

Scene 3 - In here they’ll be targets for the player to shoot and when they are all destroyed, I plan for a door to open possibly. I’m going to stick with infinite ammo for simplicity.


  • Shooting Mechanic - All done.
  • Model Room - Completed.
  • Make a counter - Done

05/03/2019 - As I do not have too much time before my deadline I have changed my mind on this level and will be using a prebuilt crate spawner that will drop crates into a small room so the user can test out the shooting mechanic. I have a ‘Death’ Counter to track your kills and when you hit 5 kills you switch to the next scene. - Finished on 5th March.

Scene 4 - Much like Scene 3 I’m going to make the player arrange things onto a shelf to unlock a door possibly? It’s a stretch and I might rethink these 2 scenes. These 2 scenes will be different as I want to replace the signs and do event triggers to make the game switch scenes once they do a certain thing.


  • Model Room - This will be easy by now.
  • Picking up things and dropping them - Done this
  • Model a door - Pretty sure I can do this.

Scene 5  - I have a lot planned for this, I envision it to be where all the mechanics will combine into one. Enemies will walk towards you and damage you if they get close so make sure to shoot them before you die; you’ll need to use your teleporter again, they’ll be targets to shatter so you can get through and you can do this by shooting them. On top of this I aim to have a key at the end that you can pick up to bring to the door and unlock it, hopefully. I’ll most likely try to do an event trigger that has a pop saying well done for completing all the scenes. Here’s what I have so far:


  • Door unlocking with a held key - I’ll have to research how to do this - (23/02/2019 Last Update.)

Credits for certain scripts:

Toby - Helped me with my NavMesh/AI and Counter for Scene 3 as well as my teleporter script.

Callum - Helped me with Pausing the game and a few minor things along the way.

Tutor - Supplied me with all the main scripts and I modified them to suit what I needed in my script.

They all helped a lot.