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Lust Doll

An adult game set in a post-apocalyptic sci fi/ fantasy open exploration world. · By indivi

Please help

A topic by starlightpies created Feb 27, 2019 Views: 1,069 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

i just downloaded the game and every time i start it up the screen is not in frame the bottom part of the text and part of The character window are unenviable.  this happens in both windowed and full screen mode. how do i fix this 


See if this works: Right click on game.exe. Go to properties and under the compatibility tab, disable display scaling on high dpi settings.

See here for more solutions you can try:

i dont know how to start the game i download but i try to go in my files its there but i dont know what to do from there