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Double Blind

A topic by gruebite created Mar 03, 2019 Views: 1,073 Replies: 12
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(7 edits) (+1)

Double Blind


Double Blind is designed around the idea of "local versus with imperfect information." If you can imagine the playing Go Fish Battleship on a single screen everyone sees, you can understand the challenge. In Double Blind, player input is the hidden information. This can more easily be achieved via networking, but I believe keeping it local will enforce a novel feeling for the players.

In Double Blind, you play as a notorious Rogue adept at navigating the dark. When in the dark, characters are completely hidden on the screen. Players have to remember where they are based on what actions / movements they take. The Rogue has several tools at their disposal when in the dark like throwing knives and laying decoys. The goal is to find your enemies in the dark, before they find you.


A room is where this cat and mouse game takes place. Rooms are somewhat procedurally generated. They will be of some predefined blueprint with random obstacles thrown about depending on the room type. When entering a room, you will be able to see everything for a few seconds to get your orientation.


This is where a lot of the challenge lies – I have to keep input hidden. The Rogue is controlled with four arrows: Up, Down, Left, and Right. And two buttons: O, X. The Rogue also has a currently selected move, which defaults to "Move". When using a directional key you will spend a Move Point (MP), and use it in that direction. Some move don't require a direction, so any direction will work. 

In order to change your selected move, you open the move select menu with O. From there you will be presented with a menu that requires two arrow key inputs.

In-game controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right – use current move in direction
  • O – open move select (see below)
  • X – undecided, thinking information menu or allowing more complex directional input

In move select menu controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right – input sequence to select a move
  • X – exit menu without selecting


Moves have feedback in the form of success/failure indications. Rogues also have 2 or more MP per turn and will see their MP drop. Some actions create noise, this noise will be displayed as a noise animation in an area with a random center on the point of origin. Loud noises will have a smaller area, quieter noises will have a larger area.

Noise levels:

  • Loud – radius 0
  • Normal – radius 1
  • Quiet – radius 2
  • Shushed – radius 3

Noises are shown graphically, in addition to an actual sound, to indicate where they are. They are fuzzy, but can give some information. A noise will have a point of origin, the noise area will be placed randomly so that part of the area is over the origin. An example with a loud noise:

X = origin, * = noise

And here's an example using all of the above. The Rogue moves normally one space at a time, both times a success (green indicator), selects "Dash" and runs into a pillar on the right creating noise as a red animation and a red failure indicator. Some of the colors and indicators will be polished.

On the to-do list:

  • More Moves, like sensing, throwing knives, flash bombs, decoys, etc
  • More objects, like chairs to push and stumble over, tables to hide under
  • Sound, music
  • NPC enemies, like dogs, guards, dummies
  • Multi-room connections for single player mode
  • Others

Good luck everyone!

(1 edit) (+1)


  • Add more moves to the menu, they still need implementation
  • Add NPCs, guards, dogs
  • Add furniture, chairs, tables, shelves
  • Add knife throwing and entity death

The most visible update is getting  knife throwing working:

More to come!

(1 edit) (+1)


  • All moves implemented, still have 4 potential slots for ideas
    • Mobility – Move, Dash, Move Object, Prone
    • Offense – Throw Knife, Slash, Lay Trap, Flash Bomb
    • Defense – Sense Area, Sense Traps, Lay Decoy, <unused>
    • Utility – Light Match, <unused>, <unused>, <unused>
  • Add dummy (which are strong decoys), and traps, which are noise traps

Video soon!

Interesting concept. Pico-8?


(1 edit)


  • Add two players and victory screen
  • Add countdown and "lights on" time when entering the room
  • Add row / column names for easier tracking
  • Add more floor patterns for easier tracking

This is what the current game start looks like.

(10 edits)

Update - PICO-8 Cartridge Available

Working today but I have a decently playable versus game (needs 2 players). It needs polish, tutorial, and a single player mode to test abilities.

Currently the moves are (success and failure will be indicated on screen as green and red borders, respectively):

  • Mobility:
    • Move, move 1 space. Will make noise if you run into an object or wall/column .  Succeeds when move is made unobstructed. *Makes you stand up if prone*
    • Dash, same as move except 2 spaces. Will make a quiet sound no matter what.  Succeeds when move is made unobstructed. *Makes you stand up if prone*
    • Prone, makes you prone so throws go over you (flash bombs, knives).  Succeeds if you were not prone.
    • Move Obj, pushes an object, you stay in the same spot. Succeeds when there is a pushable object and it was pushed (nothing in the way). *Makes you stand up if prone*
  • Offense
    • Throw Knife, throws a knife in a straight line in direction. If it hits a wall or object it makes a noise. Succeeds if hits something fleshy.
    • Slash, 3 spots immediate in front of you in direction. Makes noise if it hits an object or wall. Succeeds if hits something fleshy.
    • Lay Trap, lays one trap next to you in direction. Succeeds if the trap was laid successfully (spot was unoccupied). *You can only have 1 active trap, remember where it is*
    • Flash Bomb, throws a flash bomb like a knife. Will reveal whatever it hits and the area around for a short time. Always succeeds.
  • Defense
    • Sense Area, checks if there is someone in a direction. This is a full rectangle scan in the direction you choose. So someone more up than left will still be sensed when choosing left.
    • Sense Trap, scans in the same way as Slash attacks. Success if there is a trap in one of the three squares.
    • Lay Decoy, lays a dummy that can throw off sensors. Success if placed and square is not occupied (similar to trap). *You can only have 1 active decoy, remember where it is*
  • Utility
    • Light Match, reveals your location for a short time

Enjoy and lemme know what you think!


  • Player 1: Up, Down, Left, Right, and Z, X
  • Player 2: E, D, S, F, and L-shift, Tab

To come:

  • More room types. Better random generation.
  • More furniture interaction. Attacking torches, etc.
  • Single player mode in a Twisted Mansion, with tutorial option.
    • 3 AIs: guard, dog, and enemy rogue.
  • 4 remaining Move slots filled to round things out.
  • UI polish, and sprite polish.

> single player mode

I was waiting for this info :)

(1 edit)

:) I decided to implement the room encounters first. The gameplay in the room is the most critical to get right, so I needed to get to a play-tesatable state ASAP for fast iteration. When single player is implemented, it should benefit from this early iteration.

(2 edits)


This is a big one.

  • Can attack torches. More object interaction.
  • Cleaned up some sprites and smoothed up transitions.
  • Basic scripted tutorial that will run you through the basics and provides a place to test moves.
  • Single player in the Twisted Mansion! With:
    • Basic state-based AI. I will improve this.
    • A generated predictable puzzle to get through the mansion.
    • Win/lose conditions. However! The after winning there is an encounter yet to be implemented.
  • Some bug fixes.

Here's the new tutorial.

Single player when you clear the room.


More to come, including:

  • Sound and music.
  • More polish: UI, sprites, lore, etc.
  • AI improvements.

You can play in the browser here:

I'm sure there are some bugs that still need squashing.

(1 edit)


Lots of changes! I've reworked the controls to hopefully be more intuitive and cut down the number of moves. I'm actually hovering around the code limit, but I have been condensing and polishing so it hasn't been a large problem (yet).

  • Lots of minor tweaks and bug fixes.
  • Revamped controls, essentially you now have Sneak always selected and an optional special move you can select and use. (see link for more in depth details)
  • Every special move can only be performed once per turn. You can perform any number of special moves, but they must be different. When trying to use a special move you've already used, you get no indication.
  • Added another move: Feign! This allows you to feign noise in a direction.
  • Improved flash bomb, it now lights furniture on fire, turning it into a torch.

Check out the updated game here:

Feedback welcome!


Welp, I'm submitting what I've got. The token/compression limit was catching up to me near the end. I'm quite happy with the result.

  • Bunch of polish and play-testing.
  • Improved UI indicators.
  • Logo and sprite improvements (credit: vaporstack)
  • Music and sound effects (credit: Gruber)
  • Actual ending.
  • Single-player Twisted Mansion!
    • 2 AIs, dog and guard. They each have their own quirks.
    • Induction based puzzle to get through the rooms. Induce the correct door three times and you win!

This was a lot of fun! I look forward to seeing everyone's work.

For anyone who was struggling with the controls. I have created 3 arcade style instruction cards to go over the basics!  Here is a sneak peak at the first one:

You can find the others on the itch page: