So, just getting this out of the way: Amazing game, never had more fun wielding a giant instrument in my life.
But for some reason, the game just feels... Off? I guess? Like, turn on all the lights in the room kind of off/... It might just be the 6th gen graphics, or the severe emptiness of most of the maps (which, don't get me wrong, is a major vibe), but this feels like one of those cursed ARG things with at least one dead kid.
And I have to ask... Is any of that intentional? The unease; the way that it just makes that small voice in the very back of your mind ask if something's not lining up right. This world just feels so desolate, and almost burdened by the weight of oblivion. That makes sense, right? Not sure if I just have a monkey brain but it is getting the heeby and the jeeby.