hey there :)
so i wanted to test the new update and was super hyped, but it appears some old friend was just as excited to come back to this game...
So the world-melting bug is back ! It works the same, except this time it's almost killing the frames in the process. I might have 1 frame every 7 second, which is quite bad as you can tell. It goes down to 1 frame every 2 seconds at times, which is an improvment, but still not enough to enjoy the proper game ^^
One other thing that is new is a strange cube of static floating in the air near the avatar. It has the colours of the biomes you selected. You can also see it on the menu screen before you dive into the game. It changes places depending of the biome and, apparently, depending on the screen resolution.

In the screenshot below, i managed to capture the menu screen loading in and the world generating. as you can see, there is a visual glitch which kinds of "duplicate" the same geometry and shows it everywhere in the world. I couldn't capture it, but with the low fps i was granted, i could still grasp a kind of movement in these glitches, as if they were gathering to combine into one point. Maybe the static cube is made of all these visual glitches clutched together ?
So i really can't play the game for now, but in the meantime, the glitches it creates are pretty, poetic almost, but also a bit scarry :)