01. The control pad was inestable when the player gets the Summoner building. The problem was that the Summoner could summon an infinite number of aliens. I fixed this problem making the Summoner can summon only ten aliens maximun.
02. The time bar title was breaked in two lines, I make the time bar title in one line.
03. The time bar for the summon invasion did not drecreases for some bugs. Now it decreases when player walks and show the loss condition when you get the time of invation.
04. When the Summoner was killed there have to be a window showing that the player have won the game. It was implemented, but some bugs didn't let to know the player have won.
Now is the Digital Summoner version 0.1 with this four bugs fixed.
Thank you to every player who test my game, in special: tofu and veryweirdev for play my UDCJam31 project game and let me know their points of view, you really helped me to make this four corrections in my game project.