Up coming update
System Liberation ver 0004
W,A,S,D - move player around the world
mouse movement - your character will most of the time, always look at or face the mouse
left click - to pickup items or interact with objects in the game.
enter / space - used to accept desicions in character creation and elevator
right click - will pick the lock on the chest in the shop ( will change later on)
F11 - make the game fullscreen
current game content -
character creation -
the character creation -
class select - medical, science, pilot, or security officer with there own starting stats
jobs -
garbage - you can gather garbage on the station and throw them in the compactors on the current floor to make some money.
Crate jobs - you can carry crates and barrells from the hangar to where they need to go to make some money.
you can explore the sspace station, although there isn't much in there now im hoping it will come to life as the game gets more and more developed.
You cannot atm download the game, I'm a few days to a week away from getting the first alpha version up and running.