Hello, the documentation mentions :
Max Item Slots
You can decide how many single slots the party can have. By default, it is set to 10. But it can be changed using script calls.
But it doesn't mention the script itself. What is it ?
Each item has a single slot for it! · By
Hi there!
Because it is a plugin parameter configuration:
As so, you need to put a script call, if you want, on that plugin parameter. Example in case you want to use a variable ID 10 to hold the max item slot:
Or just a number:
The important thing is for it to start with "return ", no qoutes. And be whathever you put there, must result in being a number.
Oh yes I understand now. Thanks for the explanation !
Also the plugin have trouble with mixing stackable and non stackable items (even with a full inventory the player can still pick a stackable item up). It causes the full inventory Switch and Common Event to bug. I'm currently writing a script to count the number of occupied "slots" to prevent this.
One last note : the Full Inventory Switch resets to false when opening the inventory, is this normal?
Hello again,
Here's a quick script that turns the Switch 33 if the inventory is full. It can manage an inventory mixing both stackable and non stackable items.
var itemNb = 0; for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.items().length ; i++) { if ($gameParty.items()[i]["defaultCategory"] == "item") { if ($gameParty.items()[i]["note"] == "<Stackable>") { itemNb++; } else { itemNb += $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[$gameParty.items()[i]["id"]]); } } // Variable 45 => Max Inventory Slots if (itemNb >= $gameVariables.value(45)) { $gameSwitches.setValue(33, true); } else { $gameSwitches.setValue(33, false); }
Don't know if this helps but I'm heavily relying on it.