I have two issues, one with many interconnecting symptoms.
the first issue is that sometimes, and i do not know what is the trigger, i'll lose the ability to target in combat. there seems to be some relation to room type: i'll not be able to target anything at all in a binding room or a gold mine, but in a research lab the targeting cursor works for some small portion of the legs. it's almost as if the cursor is being blocked by something, but i've not found an angle around the "phantom obstruction."
the second bug has many symptoms. One is it seems like the "upkeep loop" breaks, and all variable stats become as if frozen. they stop both decaying and regenerating, though external sources like items or a wandering character with the "sexy" trait will still affect the relevant stats. the effect is that no one needs to eat, bath, or socially interact any more. characters with low mind will be stuck in the "crying" state. characters with no energy will not regenerate it, and thus remain "tired" unless they enter combat or are given an energy restoration item. affection is also "frozen," and neither servants or prisoners passively gain it anymore. my keeper has a pregnancy that is stuck.
these two bugs are my run-enders. if they crop up, there is no further point in continuing that save. they seem to hit me most frequently in the range of day 150-200.
there's also a number of smaller bugs, that while annoying, are bearable:
crafting hangs the program. for several seconds, sometimes. something is seriously wrong for such a simple object manipulation to be doing this.
the program stresses my rig and cannot maintain a constant 60 fps. with this engine, with this level of graphic fidelity, and the scale of data being used and manipulated, this should not even be possible.
children are sometimes randomly born as zombies. when neither parent is a zombie, to be clear.
"crying" is a negative trait you can chose to remove on level up.