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A member registered Feb 09, 2024

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most likely not a bug.  some squares have a natural bonus or penalty to certain production.  there should be an icon on the room description.

if it is the gold harvest penalty, a level 1 gold mine will not produce anything.  if you upgrade the mine and it starts producing, this is 100% the issue.

sure thing, boss, i get you 100%.  like i said, programming UIs is my least favorite thing to do, lol.

now, take this with a grain of salt, because i personally hate programming UIs, but you are not really limited by the size of the dialog menu.  instead of multiple buttons, you could use a single dropdown, for example.  or a "slider" with several "notches."

just the two options would be sufficient, though.

not a bad demo, though my tastes focus more on the management aspect than the visual novel (no offense, there are just. so. many.)

i have one criticism in that it's not really fun to generally wake up so early and have to wait one or two time periods.  i suggest an option for wake up time when you go to sleep, (rest [current sleep, perhaps slightly shorter,] sleep till morning, and sleep till fully rested.)

i encountered two or three bugs.  the possible one is that the talk menu tutorial played for a second time, and the tutorial conversation does not account for returning the earring previously, if repeated.

after completing the tutorial conversation a second time, the dialong box got stuck while empty, and the time of day changed.  went to main menu and reloaded for the "oh, it's late" animation and text to play correctly.

after the "reward" scene, and the text after leaving the tent, the presumed end of the demo, another empty dialog box is stuck on screen.  reloading from the menu does not fix it, which is why i presume it is the end of the demo.

i'll be watching this as it develops, and providing your steam plans do not preclude selling it here, i'll be buying it here.

some of more bugs:

stairs not inside of "first club" have a high chance to have their collision mess up, such that it becomes very hard to climb them without a lot of running and jumping.  this happens most often at the other club.

having body physics enabled during character creation really messes with how boobs sit, making it appear that hardly any changes made have any sort of effect.  this goes away once ingame, leading to some very unexpected body stuff.

i solicited an NPC, they led me to a danger zone, then assaulted me before going into the normal prostitution routine.  this could be a neat gameplay addition if there were some clue this might happen.

sexual assault on you should not eject random bits of your body equipment.  it is incredibly irritating to have to find and reequip everything that might have gotten tossed off.

sure you know this one, but there is no natural end to pregnancy (you must get it removed at the clinic) and NPCs never have an end.  oh, and the player does not seem able to impregnate any NPCs.  there IS a big in the pregnancy counter, as displayed by the save game menu.  i've had two pregnancies, but it's displaying at at least 4 right now.

it is not.  1-18 seems common to me.  50-100 is very rare in my game.

but the good news is that this requirement is programmed as a hack.  the actual money you make from prostitution is not tracked, you just need 2000Bn by any means necessary.

does this mean this version is now going unsupported?

very interesting concept.  pretty solid foundation.  first bugs:

time of day, sun position, and NPC schedules seem to get severely desynched with day/ night cycle enabled.

sex spots in the main strip club seem to permanently entrap NPCs sometimes.

the optional "take down" route to complete the army combat tutorial does not seem to function.

multiple NPCs try to be vendors at the same station.  i've got like 5 hair stylists occupying the same space, and about the same number across the street at the actual vendor's.  only 4 at the spot outside the strip club, but they've vanished as their schedules broke.

a lot of characters never go "off duty," so you can never sex them.  vendors are the most egregious, while on duty they ask you to meet them where they live, but off duty they claim to be working.

sarah and the roomate seem to have vanished.  war, the strip club owner, and the story character in the slums are still around, though.

there are some spots where loot spawned by searching trash can fall and not be targetable.

next - design choices:

sex skills are slightly backwards.  in addition, the fact that most skills are tuned to gain more exp faster is counterproductive.  the only purpose for your character to cum faster is gaining exp.  what's more, there's a limited number of skills, and having unspent points seems to provide no benefit.  currently, once you've gotten all the sex skills, two or three of your skills lose all value they had.

the crosshair is a bit too precise in most instances.

i like the color coded hair thing, but it's more than a bit odd that none of these colors are presets at the stylist.

assets need to be given better descriptive names, especially the hair list.  and speaking of the hair list, it is very aggravating to have to click and scroll the dropdown every time.  i'd really like the functionality that standard dropdowns have, where when it is the active element, you can change the selection with the arrow keys.

there is no way to see player stamina outside of sleeping.  this should be on the hud.

some constraints need to be placed on random NPC body generation.  not a whole lot, and not very strict.  just enough to stop things short before you get boobs that could function as flathead/ slotted screwdrivers, as an example.

so does this mean that this demo is all that is public until then?

ah, not the title i was expecting for something constantly called "the walkthrough."

having read it, though, the problem remains.  the walkthrough simply says to "free slaves."  where is this an option?  does it mean "eject slave cargo?"

i also glanced through the nimhe section, and the "hacked door" thing i'm missing did not jump out at me.

where is the walkthough?  the link i see elsewhere in the comments is....   this page.

(1 edit)

this topic is not meant to come off as defending the status, more as to inform people as to a workaround.  the dev has up till now been fairly consistent with releasing updates every ~3 months for keep her.  the exception being right now, as it seems raid her has received most of the dev time this cycle.

this means there's a real chance that barring hotfixes, this version is going to be the version we're dealing with for the next ~3 months.

edit:  also, you cannot kill currently, but if you deplete an enemy's mind, they will break and attempt to flee.

So I've unlocked all but two gallery spots.

I do not know how to get the "Slave liberation NPC" to show up.

I do not know what is expected to "hack the lock" for Nimhe.  Her personal storage cube has not been an interactible for quite some time.

masturbate the first chance you get.  from character menu -> needs.

the process regenerates your mind points, lifting the status.  

there's also an upgrade you can take that passively regenerates mind points, which also trivializes the status.

sex acts with another character also regenerate mind points, but when crying you cannot really initiate those.  therefore, you gotta do it manually.

there already is?

as title states.  not sure what process to look for in talk manager.  manual launch still works, though.

not me, particularly, no.

and i, being a lust-focused player, would like such things as aphrodisiac bombs.

it goes quiet for 2-3 months at a time.

resolved it.  had to manually uninstall, then reinstall.

interact with the servant, select the  "talk" option.  select the "would you be interested in..." option.  select the "going out onto the surface" option, then choose what you want your servant to gather.

after update, the only button on the main menu that works is "options."  "new game," "continue," and "exit" do not work.

mind should automatically be regenerating.  if it's not, you've got someone with the "scary" trait wandering around lowering everyone's mind.  or you're in a "stuck pregnancy and people on the overworld" bug.

now, these days there's actually some reason to want characters to have low mind.  there's a whole "cry" line of attacks that require ythe user to be crying.

if that's not something you want, get rid of all "scary" servants, and just use mind potions.  they're cheap and pop up in the store often enough, and are also craftible i believe, but buying is by far the preferred option.

1) i believe it's the leftmost icon on the bottom right, next to the servant list and inventory/ shop.  along with the options to summon either an imp or hobgoblin servant, there's also the option to open a submenu where you get a list of heroes that you can use gems to summon.

gems are the "currency" the altar uses.  you can get them as a reward for defeating heroes, by chance when a servant walks into the altar room, and i believe they are an objective you can send servants into the overworld for.

2)  what?  of course you can.  personally, i find that having more than one servant wandering without a job is overkill.  the only servant that matters is the one in the chokepoint from the entrance of the dungeon, the one that's going to be actually fighting.  you're probably not going to be invaded more than once in the time it takes for an overworld mission to complete.  well, unless you instigate the invasion yourself, of course.

everyone else, everyone who actually has a job, is already earning EXP (though at a fairly slow rate unless you happen to have both traits for exp gain on the servant,) and all that extra gold you'll eventually find you have is best spent on buying the exp crystal items.  this, combined with sending servants out on missions is more than EXP enough to keep most of the dungeon on pretty even footing.  with a steady rate of progress, even.

gotta say, i really like how the last three updates have changed the game together.

an idea for a future improvement: while i do enjoy the way training is actually interactive now, an "auto-gym" option would probably be a good idea.  both as a toggle for those who want to skip the "tedium" of the minigames, and as some kind of improvement in the game.

the way i see it, the toggle could give you slightly below average returns, and the upgrade would give average gains.  this way it'd still be an advantage for toggle users to buy the upgrade.

oh wow, you actually did it, nice!

so is the demo all that is available for now?

so first round of bugs i've noticed:

it's only happened once for me so far, but the generator sound can cause a really loud high pitch whining.  it's only happened to me once so far.  it was during the day.

item target highlights cause a glow in the physical world.  you can best observe this at night, standing near the window and letting the highlight glow illuminate the character.  it's hard to describe, but this glow can also illuminate the ground a distance away if you swivel your viewpoint, but the effect is very fleeting.  it makes it seem like there's actual fireflys in the field.

collision for plant models should probably be turned off, as the plots themselves are impassible.  the plants having collission mean that if you plant mega dictus in the greenhouse, you really cannot walk past it.... so if you fill the greenhouse from back to front, you'll have to harvest the front before you can reach the back.

thanks for the frame limit and vsynch!  temperature issues are solved for now.


did you just change your name and move stuff from accounts?

seems like my other install of this from "massive tiny" is gone now.

if so, has this been updated from the last updated version?

sure does, thank you!

would it be possible to tag the PC upload as "for windows," so that itch's app can manage my installation?

for whatever reason, this version does not show as a valid download in the launcher.  manual download does work, though.

possibly, though other games i have that are also on steam, such as wings of seduction, are not detected.

(2 edits)

hey thanks, i actually was wondering if you had the larger versions available.  i'll test out the 8-bit version fairly soon.  if that runs nearly as smoothly, but with better output, i may even have to test the big boy.

edit, how can i modify the batch file to launch in the 8-bit rather than 4-bit model?
second edit, i figured it out, i didnt notice the "prefix" in the model path changed between versions at first.

this isnt a bad little implementation you've packaged up here.  it's probably the fastest AND least resource hungry LLM i've ever run, though it does forget rules, insert nonsensical details, and repeat itself.  it was quite easy to edit the starting prompts you provided into anything at all i wanted.

the only thing really missing is a "redo output" command.

yes, and i dont like to advertise the fact to everyone who has me on a third party messaging service.

and as for "tech illiterate," i had discord set to only detect games from my linked steam account.  i did not anticipate a developer somehow circumventing this with their implementation of rich discord presence, which is a feature that every other porn dev i've given money to has the good sense to not bother including.