Hi, I just wanted to try out this interesting tool on macOS (Sierra) but on startup both demo versions (0.4 and 0.5) crash directly.
Seems, some dependent libs are missing (from crash log):
Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libidn.11.dylib
Referenced from: /private/var/folders/z_/kg_6_kb96qbdpm124s5jg4qc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/4FF2BAA0-B43B-45F2-9081-4653AD146602/d/Pixel Proof - Pirate-1.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtwitcurl.dylib
Reason: image not found
Maybe you can fix it, as I am keen to test the tool.