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[bug] weird glitch happened to my body, couldn't attack.

A topic by Almighty Nubs created Oct 06, 2016 Views: 501 Replies: 4
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I saw Sun_beams's bug report and it was very similar to this one. I was holding a bow and I took damage to my left arm and it made the bow invisible, then when I swapped weapons I couldn't swap back to the bow and my body rotated weirdly. This rotation stopped me from being able to attack. Red error messages appeared on the screen as well.

Felt like an important thing to report, very exited for future updates! :>

also images here :

Sorry for bad quality

Thanks! Great bug report!

I'm aware of the issue and have fixed it for the next update.
It's great to see these kinds of obscure bugs surface under the intense testing of so many players. :)

hi I have had the same glitch but its worse almost all of my left arm was gone then I was fighting and I swapped to my sword and the top half turned around facing the camera than to my I swapped bow my guy compacted a bit then I was punching the air then I swapped to my sword then the sword was in the ground and then I stopped moving and could not do anything and I also got the errors like almighty nubs but more of then sadly I was unable to get a screen shot.

Hello had the same thing as corruptunip69 my left arm got cut off and my body got rotated diagonally with my head backwards and then i could not attack i got killed then it would start again with the writing saying nullreference exception and more things i would get taken up the elevator and could not do anything at all ,look around ,move ,attack, but the enemy would still behave normally kill me and loops infinitely over and over. love game but has lots of glitches and more added but will be very good.