nothing so far
Hello Madgarden! I would kindly ask if I'm allowed to make a forum where people can download mods for you game, EGGNOGG+. I have a system that would involve people having to download the game from wherever they get it from (, Gamejolt or somewhere else) so that people get the original files, and you get more downloads ;). The system goes that you are only allowed to upload the files you need to change in the files of EGGNOGG+, such as misc. Please answer soon, thank you and goodbye. August
Apparently you can edit a lot of the text in game with a HEX editor, but the text you change must me the same length as the original text.
Like change EGGNOGG+ logo to STAB ME (7 Letters each with spaces) but cant change it to say STAB GAME
EDIT: I was able to change the text to a different length too. haha
Yes! I've done a mod because I was to impatient to wait for Rumble :)
well I edit some graphics in eggnog+ so now it looks like minecraft, i call it minenog+, well this is the final version (i think :P)
here are some screenshots of "Minenog+" :P
Finishing a sprite set for characters to look like link from first the legend of zelda!
Planning on finishing it today or tomorrow
i made a new mod, its called RUMNOGG, its about pirates images and game