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A member registered Oct 16, 2013 · View creator page →

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I would like to eventually

Yes, actually! I aim to work toward that, either with an updated EGGNOGG+ version, or EGGNOGG Rumble.

Ah sorry, I don't have an old build of that.

Ah that's an older version, now the levels define whether you spawn with swords or not.

I will once all the things are underway.

When I get around to doing an update (or in a spinoff like EGGNOGG Rumble) I will make everything much more moddable so that bots and such will be possible. Not sure about 2v2 though... maybe in a separate game. :)

Thanks for the idea, and praise! I definitely plan to release an "early access" version once it's ready for that (and once I am.) Cheers!

EGGNOGG Rumble will get finished at some point! I do have a discord server but I haven't made it known yet. Once I release some new projects and things get more active again, then I will announce it.

Yes, I think this has to do with the OpenGL/graphics drivers on those systems needing updated. I will try to avoid this issue in a future update.

Always good to be able to do that. It's mostly the iOS etc. API that keeps breaking heh. I am in the same boat currently. And I need a new Mac to support further updates. :/

Do you figure you'll use GDNative in that case, or just stick with updating your old codebase? 

Congrats on re-releasing Zagaaaaaaa... :D Linux build confirmed working fine! Hey did you basically port all of your (C++?) code to GDScript? I was thinking of trying that for some things

Can you update your graphics drivers? Also, check that the files were extracted properly and that the "gfx" folder with the tiles/sprites has the proper files.

I haven't forgotten about you! There will be more EGGNOGG+/Rumble to come. Have you tried Parsec ( for multiplayer at all?

Hmm, make sure that you have SDL2 installed on your system... sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0

I just need to find the time to do it :/

That'd be cool, unfortunately I am not able to do that for the time being. You should be able to get something working with Parsec, though:

You not on Twitter... where you go? 🥺

If I manage to get the new version done at some point in the future, I will consider mobile platforms again for it.

Sweet, thanks for the info! I might have to play with this now hehe.

Woah very cool! Hey, how are you doing the C64 web player for PRG files?

Hmm... not sure what to do about that, except perhaps alt shortcuts for windowed/fullscreen.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :)

Sorry, not dead! Yes busy, working hard, distracted, and everything else... but I will return.

I have been doing other things, but I want to get back to it when I get a chance.

You might be able to get it to work with Parsec:

Sorry I'm late! EGGNOGG+:

I can't specifically say right now, since I am working on other things to pay the bills.  I might have something ready in the spring... but it might go later.

Those are good suggestions. I've put a lot of effort into making RUMBLE players have equal priority in all interactions, hopefully I get it right.

No official date yet, but it's high on my TODO list.

Ok well, the combat system, is improved... there's grappling and throws. Also I want to add single player, and a map editor... but no guarantees. I've been really really busy.

I can't say yet.

Of course... you don't need my permission to post stuff on YouTube.

No, not yet. I will have a 1-player mode in the RUMBLE version.

Yes, if you catch them from behind. Or sometimes if you're lucky you can catch them from the front, but that's more of a glitch.

That was an older version of the game... now it's just based on what map you play.

EGGNOGG+ community · Replied to sammy6 in NEWS

I'm really not sure, I haven't had much time for it lately. Hopefully this year.

Yes I'm alive, Death Road occupies all of my time as of late though.