First of all, I'm very sorry if this is super off-topic and it needs to be removed, but please, this is very urgent.
I'm not a dev, just a user and player, so I have no clue how the charity bundles in work, or whether it's possible to ask for a relief bundle as sometimes we see for other unfortunate natural disasters.
The thing is, you're probably not aware, but there was a massive flash flood in Valencia, Spain, 3 days ago, and it's undescribable, there are thousands of missing people and whole villages erased from the map. You can check it here:
Most people were working-class who were forced to work without any alert as to what was coming, so the lucky ones who survived have lost EVERYTHING. At the moment the efforts are still focused on rescuing, but money is needed as well.
With all this in mind, does anybody know how to ask for, organize, request, a relief bundle?
Thanks in advance!