Hi there!
I tried Regency and was astounded how performant and well made your plugins are. Very efficient on the cpu. Snappy UI reaction. And the native integration in FL is pure joy! All the context menu options right there. Great stuff! After trying Apricot and Fluctus I'm pondering on buying Altitude but wanted to ask, if you'd offer a Black Friday Deal for Altitude - it would help my decision ;P
Besides that I just wanted to mention, that it would be very cool for a plugin, that is already FL native, if it could make use of the modx and mody parameters. It could allow individual parameter values PER VOICE and even individual parameter MODULATIONS per voice using modx and mody with slide notes. Maybe you've already implemented these things - I haven't tried Altitude yet - but it would be cool :D
Thank you for your effort and time. Your work looks, feels and sounds awesome!
Best regards,