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How Do We Get the New Updates When Released?

A topic by Kharybdis created Oct 12, 2016 Views: 830 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Just wondering :)

Also wondering how to play some levels if, say we can make them separately, or maybe something like an editor, much like Overgrowth. Also wanted to know if this level down here is in the game yet or not?


You will get an email when a new one is available. At that time you can either download a zip file or use the app to update the game!

Right now there's no way to make custom levels, but next update will feature Endless Mode with a slew of new levels!
The level from that screenshot was an old prototype that is no longer in the game. You can see the emperor in the background looked a bit more like he was made up from some hastily arranged cubes. :)


Sweet! We get endless mode :D

But that map looked awesome!

And +1 for custom levels.

You should bring the map back! It looks so cool!!!

I still need some help with updating it. For some reason I didn't get the Email. It may be because I didn't have an account when the update was released. May I have some help?


yes, could you send an email to