Basically, to summarize this game:
- love to be taken and you are a whore who loses her dignity, sometimes part of her will, and sometimes also gains in femininity.
- like to take and it’s ok (no gain but also no loss).
- (not tested directly because I like neither brothels nor bars, but from what I read in some subjects and on the wiki) go to the brothel or get drunk and you gain will.
- satisfy your opponent by letting him take you during a fight, but you should still beat him.
- satisfy your opponent by taking him during a fight and you win.
Apart from that, this game also does quite a bit of rape patronage, although there are some scenes where no doubt has been left on the fact that it is (there is for example this famous scene where there is a risk that we are the victim, and because of this fact our character does not even have the choice to try to save this victim. Are we really better than this victim, then?).
Also, I’m not really sure the reason behind this choice that the developers made, but I’m a bit doubtful about the reproductive capacity of the characters since none of them has a female reproductive organ (the only case I saw was a wasp who laid his eggs in the rectum of a human… But how were these eggs fertilized? Or are wasp hermaphroditic and self-fertilizing themselves from the inside? And is it an allegory of the end of humanity?).