I have just read the wiki and noticed that every weapon has a maximum DAMAGE value, after which additional DAMAGE, like from the STRENGTH stat (OH YEAH!!! PUMP IT UP!!!) or Berserk bonus, does not apply anymore.
This means that if you get too much STRENGTH for your respective weapon, the stat will just become useless, and you are forced to level a different stat or your character will just be worse.
This system prevents you from being a fragile boi who PUMPS DA MUSCLES TO REACH MAX DAMAGE!!! (oh yeah!), also known as a glass cannon build, who dies in one hit, but can also kill the enemies incredibly fast to make up for it. This also makes Berserk obsolete if you have high enough strength, which is really annoying because, as a brawler, berserk is one of the 3 only active skills I actually enjoy using.
I would like if the weapon damage would be uncapped so I could finally create a character who is fragile as a porcelain doll, but makes up for that by killing enemies super fast with his AMAZING DAMAGE!!! Because DAMAGE IS LOVE!!! DAMAGE IS LIFE! And vitality stinks.