Janky but also very enjoyable demo. The Sentenced King was TOUGH AF but that only made beating him all the more sweeter.
Can't wait for the full game.
I meant the editor was bugged for me. When I opened the editor after making an offspring, it would display the points I have ammassed during gameplay but after purchasing a part, it would reset to the value you get at the beginning of the game, so improving your creature was impossible. I think this was a bug and not intended.
But maybe it as already been fixed because I haven't played since 50 days. Still, please playtest again, gain some DNA points, try to customize an offspring with those newly gained points and see if it works.
Just watch porn. Games shouldn't be about sex and fetish fuel.
Straight sex is only important in this game to create offsprings to inherit your legacy and you can continue your jouney as if your mc dies. It's a gameplay and story building mechanic, not porn. And it is a pretty cool idea at that for a permadeath roguelite.
I do not know why people are so obsessed with sex in games anyway?
Why does it matter that the game doesn't have gay sex? What would gay sex add to your epic dragon slaying fantasy adventure?
Heck, the only reason to even have a straight marriage in this game is just so you can reproduce to have someone to carry on your legacy. People need to stop obsessing about sex so much.
Pretty sure he doesn't, especiallyconsidering this game is unfinished yet and we will get a lot more weapons and armor.
Personally, I would really enjoy having the option to create like 50 or so boxes so you do not need to worry about storage.
A bandaid fix to your problem would be going to \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ATLYSS\ATLYSS_Data\profileCollections and renaming one of your item banks as something else to make space for a new item box. Then, when you want to access the items from the box you renamed again, rename that storage box back to the proper file name. The item boxes are named atl_itemBank, atl_itemBank_01 and atl_itemBank_02.
Also a historically accurate war hammer. Maybe as an endgame weapon.
I did a test on a cheated save file and using Berserk rank 6 and all relevant warrior gear, I managed to reach the Quake Pummelers 48 - 70 max damage with just 14 strenght, not even using killer enchanted gear.
That means, on my main character 59 of his strenght went down the drain for nothing. That just sucks.
I have just read the wiki and noticed that every weapon has a maximum DAMAGE value, after which additional DAMAGE, like from the STRENGTH stat (OH YEAH!!! PUMP IT UP!!!) or Berserk bonus, does not apply anymore.
This means that if you get too much STRENGTH for your respective weapon, the stat will just become useless, and you are forced to level a different stat or your character will just be worse.
This system prevents you from being a fragile boi who PUMPS DA MUSCLES TO REACH MAX DAMAGE!!! (oh yeah!), also known as a glass cannon build, who dies in one hit, but can also kill the enemies incredibly fast to make up for it. This also makes Berserk obsolete if you have high enough strength, which is really annoying because, as a brawler, berserk is one of the 3 only active skills I actually enjoy using.
I would like if the weapon damage would be uncapped so I could finally create a character who is fragile as a porcelain doll, but makes up for that by killing enemies super fast with his AMAZING DAMAGE!!! Because DAMAGE IS LOVE!!! DAMAGE IS LIFE! And vitality stinks.
To be honest this wasnt the best update.
The new enemies, Rageboar, Cannonboar, and the Crescent grove enemies feel overtuned. They do too much damage and have too much health for their level which makes the new dungeons a pain. I think the enemies were balanced in a way assuming that you were already LV 20 and had all Coldgeist gear from grinding the previous demo, so for someone at LV 15-18 with normal gear, they feel way too difficult. The enemies are also way too big. I know that I am a plushie and I am supposed to be small, but due to their size it often makes it hard to see what's going on and all the enemies clip into each other in a giant Homunculus of models stuck together making their attacks hard to judge.
I would suggest reducing the stats of all new mobs to more reasonable levels and shrinking Rageboars, Maws, Deadwood. Also you should be able to jump over Colossus shockwave because at medium distance, it seems literally impossible to avoid.
On a positive note, the new enemies are very fun to fight (if you have your stats beefed up to match them). Maw in paticular feels awesome to successfully dodge. Actually, besides the shrooms, all of the Crescent Grove enemies are fun to fight and feel well designed. Colossus is a very awesome concept for a boss and I like how his two allies are implied to be his creators. It's a nice little story. I am also happy that some of the new enemies can't be parried, making dodging as a warrior a bit more meaningful again, so you need to master a combination of parry and dodge now.
Also I played solo so maybe the encounters were balanced for MP andsolos just need better levels?
Build v0.50.0
The RPG mechanic appears to be broken for me. If I click evolve, it will display the points I have obtained but when I buy a part, it gets reset to the default amount, so I cannot use the points I have obtained. The RPG mechanic looks cool. Please look into it and try to fix it.
Otherwise, the game runs much better now and I could actually play for 1 hour without a crash. Pathfinding has been improved and big creatures feel better now. Keep it up, champ!
Lichdom would be so much cooler as something you have to archieve like either by serving a lich and proving your worth trough a questline or by killing a powerful lich and absorbing his powers, rather than just being another starting race.
This way earning immortality trough lichdom could be a cool endgame goal.
The current itch.io demo has no multiplayer because multiplayer uses Steam servers.
You need to get the paid version from the devs patreon or wait for the steam release.
Read the FAQ:
There is no release for mobile or consoles planned currently.
This is because the PC is the edgy overlord of all consoles and you should buy one too so you can play all the great games!
I would like to finally purchase the full version of this game, but I cannot use Patreon because I have no credit card or PayPal.
Do you have any plans on when you will release the game for purchase on Steam without having to use Patreon?
I hope it will release on Steam soon because I can't stand seeing everyone else have the new version while I can't.
Here are my suggestions:
1. Make warriors more focussed on dodging and mobility than blocking.
2. Buff heavy weapon jump attack damage to make a hit and run playstyle more viable again.
3. Put charged attacks on holding LMB again instead of holding R. It's cumbersome.
4. Make bosses drop 3 items instead of 1 to make the grind for boss items less of a pain.
7. Buff Slime Diva. A lot! Both her damage and health. She is way too easy.
8. Personally, I would appreciate difficulty settings, particularly a hard mode.
9. Re-add the iconic maid outfit from 0.802. Make it the lategame warrior armor maybe. (And DON'T FORGET THE BONNET!!!)
I feel like the difficulty in this game is highly inconsistent and erratically shifts all over the place.
For the most part its way too easy, but the LV 18 Crypt is brutal and the boss is a nightmare.
I think the LV 12 Crypt hit the sweet spot in terms of difficulty, especially the boss and the golem fortress was a bit too easy but very close to the sweet spot.
I actually like the slower leveling because it gives you more time to grind for equipmenzt and learn to fight the enemies before you overlevel.