This concern the actual routs for Hiroko if you implant to Nozomi she need a boyfreind. please, play then read it.
devotee rout :
I'll be honest, I love the story here. It fet kinda like a Jocker & Arley Queen relationship and I found it hillariously disturbing. Also Nozomy stuck on the floor with the shadow of her two best and trustfull freinds who betrayed her ... that scene spooked me really hard so great job.
Now the problem I see here is this rout hasn't a lot of variant compared to what we usually have. Also, with a devotee therm, I was expecting we would have a Hiroko focused run.
I think a good solution would be to add a choice once Hiriko hypnose Sayory, and that choice would be how we get her out of our way. Of course, making her another fan would be an option, I really liked that nightmarish end so please keep it. As for the other choices ... Well it's your story, please surprise me :)
Robot rout :
This rout is just perfect. Surprisingly enough, I found myself beleaving Hiroko was really a robot, It was clear, it must felt so real for her. So yeah, I kinda read it like if there was no hypnosis here.
I also liked in the separation, the good path where Kyou helps her with tennis, that was clearly an intresting part showing how hypnosis helps and it also gave a good end of the robot show where Hiriko can become 100% human (I'm sure Nozomi would enjoy that show). I also love the end where Hiroko talk to Kyou to say her last goodbye. Showing her as someone who always go forward, and in a way, it was like if the robot didn't need her programmer anymore. one of my fav ending so far.
As for the evil path where Kyou turns her into a slave ... oh boy, amasingly nightmarish! And I felt so bad for Sayori losing her freinds to Kyou (who really beleaves in his own bullshit at this point) and being forced by her own freinds to "join the ranks". As for the 4 endings I got so far, Nozomi's greif of her freinds was one of the most tragic I've seen so far (I even cried during that ending). And Sayori's dad ending had me laugh to tears.
Unwitting Spy rout :
I'm sorry for that one but it was quite a deception for me. It was an intresting rout where Kyou is clearly messed up (and it was so satisfying watching him bite the dust), but I missed the spy stuff. It felt more like a slave route.
My proposition: At the choice during lunch, we only have 'wait' accessible now. Move all the script to 'Get indo on Sayori' because it really felt like a 'freinds corruption' rout than a 'Hiroko spy against her will' rout. I propose this for two reasons:
The first one is avoiding a repetitive rout with 'Get info on Sayori'. I'm affraid that once you get info about Sayori, the logical continuation would be to do exactly what happened during the 'wait' path ... and we all know we don't want the same story twice
The secound is (in my opinion) a lost potential I felt with that rout. I was waiting how Hiroko, the brat who'd rather burn in Hell than help us, would react once she learn she's been a spy without noticing. But I hardly see how we would get that with the other two choices. Now this is just my opinion and I still liked the story there. Just didn't feel like a spy rout for me.