Thanks for your support. I confess I've thought of the possibility and even prepared a list of melody for the diffrent situations in the game. still, the instrumentation is more adapted for a fantasy RPG than a school visual novel. I don't think music is the actual focus off the team, (and maybe they already have some one in mind), but if you want more tracks, I can always work on them and post them here.
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I think it willl either lead to a Nozomi, Akiko or Risa rout. or perhaps Kyou will reveal he's into hypnosis to the 3 girls toguether leading to a trio rout less villainlike than the 3devotee, 3robot, or 3spy routs. But I don't think Kyou wold hypnoze himself ... I don't think he would find any intrest of doing so. Now maybe I'm wrong.
I've played the new script and I must admit, I'm surprised it's Akiko's rout instead of Sayori's. Well, it's my personnal opinion since Sayori is my favourite character but it feels even more like she's put aside compared to Hiroko.
Now I think I understand your choice too, maybe each character's screentime is not about some game ballance but about Kyou's personnal affinity with the characters.
Nozomi n°1, Hiroko n°2, Sayori n°3, Akiko n°4, Risa n°5
That's a little sad Sayori may not have her Evil rout to be honnest, but it's your story in the end, so your choice. Also Akiko is cool too, I'll stay tuned for the following of the story :)
Hello, another track. This one was ispired by the feeling I had when I played a mentally unstable Kyou ... the same feeling I had when playing a genocide Frisk in Undertale ... I guess there are some "But Nobody Came" vibes here, I won't deny it. This song is also a little for the poor Sayori who got some worse fate in her bad endings compared to Nozomi and Hiroko.
Alright. I've played all the endings.
I must admit it has been a big surprised by the story's and art's quality. And for once, a game on the hypnosis theme with some sort of morality behind. Honestly, I'm scared of mind control. Like Hiroko said, that's a fate worse than death. So having a game showing you the consequences of it is a really nice touch.
I've loved all the endings so far weather they are good endings, nightmarish endings or karma endings (boy, those ones were quite funny, my fav of those was Sayori's "Now seems a good time to say my daddy is a cop")
I also love the hidden messages here and there like “I’m sure Kyou would enjoy a robot girlfriend.” while Nozomi was formatted. Also, Nozomi’s show was kinda similar to Hiroko’s robot rout (one of my favorites).
Finally, I know how you show two similar situations can mean two totally different scenario. Sayori’s doll routs are a good example. Both are Kyou turning Sayori into a doll so she can lose her stress. But man, standing up plastic doll and comfortably numb ragdoll are opposite one to the other. The message was clear here.
Now to make it a perfect master peace, I think you should give more balance to the girls’ time. I understand Nozomi is Kyou's crush and some sort of hypnosexual, so it's normal she has more screen time. Same here, Akiko and Risa are not even Kyou's acquaintances so it’s normal they appear less.
But if you compare Sayori’s and Hiroko’s consent routs, there are less intersection for Sayori than Hiroko, and Hiroko’s showtime run is quite long so, I’m a little sad Sayori is kanda less important than Hiroko.
Same goes for Akiko compared to Risa. Poor Akiko has so few screens time compared to Risa. Also, it’s kinda sad we only got to have one main path leading to Akiko and none to Risa (for now) while both could have a focused path from the consent routs.
Also, some routs deserve more intersections because they are really linear compared to the others. (Sayori’s doll path and Hiroko’s devotee path both have no intersections until the very end which is kinda sad)
Well, nothing that can’t be corrected. But I agree that would mean adding more stories and I know it’s time consuming and art demanding. And in the end, this is your story.
This concern the actual routs for Sayori if you meet her at her club after talking to Nozomi about the show. please, play then read it.
right now, I haven't played Hiroko's concent rout buts but ... I kinda feel like she gets less intention than Nozomi and Hiroko, which is sad since she's my favourite charater here.
but let's be honnest, the stories are really good. I was just waiting for more.
Intruder rout :
Honnestly, this branch is perfect and doesn't need any change. Ether if you chose to keep Sayori awake like she wants, to awake her too late, or to flirt with the sloppy persona you created.
Personnaly, the 'no more hypno' path was a little too dramaless but hey ... that's for the best.
The "burnout" is one of my favourite one right now. There was drama, Kyou had to taste his own medecine, but every one gets grown up out of it.
As for the 'persona' pass ... oh boy that was real good drama. messing up so bad that every choice at the end is a bad ending. honnestly, I felt sad at the end of each one of them. (Also, Sayori is better than our personna)
Doll rout :
this branche gives us a good story too. and I loved both ending, the prove of trust in the good ending and the "confortably numb" of the bad ending.
But I'm sad there isn't more intersection here. Also, I was expecting some more stuff with hypno therapy, mostly helping Sayory and other people with there study ... until troubles comes again.
This concern the actual routs for Hiroko if you implant to Nozomi she need a boyfreind. please, play then read it.
devotee rout :
I'll be honest, I love the story here. It fet kinda like a Jocker & Arley Queen relationship and I found it hillariously disturbing. Also Nozomy stuck on the floor with the shadow of her two best and trustfull freinds who betrayed her ... that scene spooked me really hard so great job.
Now the problem I see here is this rout hasn't a lot of variant compared to what we usually have. Also, with a devotee therm, I was expecting we would have a Hiroko focused run.
I think a good solution would be to add a choice once Hiriko hypnose Sayory, and that choice would be how we get her out of our way. Of course, making her another fan would be an option, I really liked that nightmarish end so please keep it. As for the other choices ... Well it's your story, please surprise me :)
Robot rout :
This rout is just perfect. Surprisingly enough, I found myself beleaving Hiroko was really a robot, It was clear, it must felt so real for her. So yeah, I kinda read it like if there was no hypnosis here.
I also liked in the separation, the good path where Kyou helps her with tennis, that was clearly an intresting part showing how hypnosis helps and it also gave a good end of the robot show where Hiriko can become 100% human (I'm sure Nozomi would enjoy that show). I also love the end where Hiroko talk to Kyou to say her last goodbye. Showing her as someone who always go forward, and in a way, it was like if the robot didn't need her programmer anymore. one of my fav ending so far.
As for the evil path where Kyou turns her into a slave ... oh boy, amasingly nightmarish! And I felt so bad for Sayori losing her freinds to Kyou (who really beleaves in his own bullshit at this point) and being forced by her own freinds to "join the ranks". As for the 4 endings I got so far, Nozomi's greif of her freinds was one of the most tragic I've seen so far (I even cried during that ending). And Sayori's dad ending had me laugh to tears.
Unwitting Spy rout :
I'm sorry for that one but it was quite a deception for me. It was an intresting rout where Kyou is clearly messed up (and it was so satisfying watching him bite the dust), but I missed the spy stuff. It felt more like a slave route.
My proposition: At the choice during lunch, we only have 'wait' accessible now. Move all the script to 'Get indo on Sayori' because it really felt like a 'freinds corruption' rout than a 'Hiroko spy against her will' rout. I propose this for two reasons:
The first one is avoiding a repetitive rout with 'Get info on Sayori'. I'm affraid that once you get info about Sayori, the logical continuation would be to do exactly what happened during the 'wait' path ... and we all know we don't want the same story twice
The secound is (in my opinion) a lost potential I felt with that rout. I was waiting how Hiroko, the brat who'd rather burn in Hell than help us, would react once she learn she's been a spy without noticing. But I hardly see how we would get that with the other two choices. Now this is just my opinion and I still liked the story there. Just didn't feel like a spy rout for me.
Honnestly, I hate mind control ... for me it's a fate worse than death. And yes, this game completely went in that direction.
Now, is it bad to have that fetish? Well, the real question is, would you break mentally a woman so she would follow you like a dog in real life. If the answer is no, It's great. That mean you keep your fetish as what it is ... a fetish. (I mean I also have a fetish that would be inconvenient for girls irl, that's why I keep it as it is)
It's usually really rare for me to restart a route and see another variant in a visual novel, and only 3 of them had me to read every segment. This one could be the 4th! And with themes like hypnoses and mind control, I'm happy you added the MC's responsibility in it and the girls'personnality.
evil routs reminds me of Undertale's genocide rout, neutral routs show you the dangers of hypnosis as a novice, and even the lovely routs give you some moral and choices that could put the girls in troubles.
I'll be honnet, games with mind controls disgust me of the theme. For me, it's a fate worse than death. And this game made me hate it even more in a good way, since you can see how your little fun can destroy others life ("Lovely Mozo and the 2 robots" broke my heart for real)
cool update. I know this is just the squeletton yet but I think I know where this is going and I really look forward for it.
If I can just give some recommendation, for the city, you should create a map to ease the travel.
Also, there is a little spelling issue in the start of the intro:
when she says "Probably becuase of the growing accension" I think you meant “because”.
I don't have any bug on my side except for the XP when I'm at 100/100, I have to do another potion in order to level up. (maybe just a problem of '>=' and '>') but no error screen so I guess it's good.
Anyway, good work here. See you next update. ;)
Hello, thank you for playing this game and I'm really happy you like it. That means a lot to me.
I don't talk Japanese but thanks to the translator, I managed to understand most of it.
For the next update, I’ll correct the bugs and get some noise in it (little jingle included). I also plan to add 6 new levels and cinematics. (text boxes are easy to use, but clearly far from convenient)
Anyway, that was a pleasure to watch and really instructive for me.
Thanks again and see you next update. 😊