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First Playthrough Thoughts

A topic by StallordD created 90 days ago Views: 120 Replies: 4
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Just finished (I think) everything available to me on my first full playthrough after committing to the HERMIT roleplay and no-lifing the game the past few days. I unfortunately haven't done any content involving LEWIS, so that'll be my next goal if I do another run.

I achieved Endings[N]ygne, [O]ynpx Gnoyr, [P]nepbfn, naq [S]nzvyl. I assume the last two might have something to do with LEWIS and/or fbzr nygreangr cngu jvgu TVEY vafgrnq bs YBFG TVEY ivn gur Evghny.  (And I hope they can be shoehorned into the little alphabet series lol)

Absolutely worth the full price of admission, and packed full of fun mysteries and obscure events. Your nightmare wizardy with RPG maker never ceases to amaze me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Music was great overall, and there were some definite earworms in the mix (RITUAL PENTAGRAM 2 is still stuck in my head).

The Text adventure segments were well done and it was fun to draw some good ol' pen and paper maps. Great way to mix up the experience.

Combat was surprisingly tough (and downright sadistic in a few places) but after playing through your other games, I knew what I was signing up for! The bosses were always a surprise and chaotic in a great way. There were only 2 instances where I felt things were more about brute force / luck, but that's entirely subjective and I don't necessarily feel like they need changing, they just stuck out to me even after completing the experience.

Gur Pbyhzonevhz - Ehaavat sebz gur Natryf va gur qnex jnf sha, naq gur Pbyhzonevhz cebcre jnf oehgny (va n tbbq jnl, tbqfcrrq nalbar jub zvffrf gur [ERQNPGRQ]) ohg gur irel ynfg yvggyr fgnvejnl orsber ragrevat gur Pbyhzonevhz cebcre sryg ragveryl enaqbz vs gur Natryf jbhyqa'g or ehfuvat guebhtu gur rkgerzryl aneebj unyyjnl rirel gvzr V nccebnpurq. V gevrq jnvgvat gurz bhg, qbqtvat gurz, rgp. ohg ab cyna bs nggnpx frrzrq gb or rssrpgvir fb V whfg erfbegrq gb guebjvat zlfrys naq ubcvat gurve cnguf jrer sbeghvgbhf, riraghnyyl znxvat vg guebhtu.

Gbjre Ynlref - Vg frrzf yvxr gurer vf rvgure 1 yrff oyhr fvtvy guna arrqrq, be V bcrarq qbbef va gur jebat beqre, ohg gur svany ybeqfgbc jnf ybpxrq njnl sbe zr. Gur nccebnpu guebhtu gur oynpx tngrf jvgu gur ybeq V fgvyy unq nyvir jnf fvzvyne gb gur Pbyhzonevhz vffhr, ohg gurer jnf pbzcnengviryl zhpu zber fcnpr naq gur ybeq ng bar cbvag whfg uhttrq n jnyy vafgrnq bs chefhvat zr, fb V znqr vg guebhtu. Zhpu zber znantrnoyr guna gur natryf, ohg V guvax vg'f gur bayl gvzr va gur tnzr jurer V jnf noyr gb ybpx zlfrys bhg bs n pbzong bcgvba yvxr gung, fb vg fgbbq bhg.  I was wrong with this point, disregard!

Combat aside, I do wish a couple of those "cutoffs / points of no return" in the other topic had alternates, but most of them are pretty minor and I agree it opens up incentives for additional playthroughs. I think the only one that should really get some workaround is the ?Fgbarf fb gung cynlref nyjnlf unir n jnl gb npprff TNZR NARJ. Znlor fbzr uvqqra iraqbe jvgu rkbeovgnag NTR cevprf gung bayl nccrnef bapr lbh'ir hfrq nyy gur "abezny" barf, naq n znk ba ubj znal gur UREZVG pna hfr ba gurzfryirf gb cerirag nohfr gbjneqf gung raq jvgu n erfrg orgjrra ehaf.

I also wish that with how big LEWIS is shown off, there was some sort of event when reaching his cutoff to indicate that SOMETHING was missed. Maybe ng 4 phefrf jvgubhg svaqvat uvz lbh trg n cnpxntr jvgu uvf yrnfu naq gur Urezvg trgf "n greevoyr srryvat gung fbzrguvat rkgerzryl vzcbegnag unf sberire zbirq orlbaq ernpu"or something to not provide a workaround or alternate path, just a hint so people can go back to an earlier save and search more if they wish.

And one last non combat related thing that stood out was Srrqvat gur Fgbar Gnoyr. Gur uvag jnf terng naq V riraghnyyl chmmyrq vg bhg, ohg zl unathc vf jvgu ubj rkgerzryl fcrpvsvp gur ybpngvba gevttre gb npgvingr gur srrqvat vf. V'z abg fher vs gurer ner nal fvzcyr jnlf vg pbhyq or punatrq gb or zber yravrag be vaqvpngr cynlref ner ba gur evtug genpx gubhtu, fb V qvterff.

That's a lot of extra work though, and again, they aren't ultimately big negatives.

I feel bad writing in such detail about these few VERY minor nitpicks, so just know that if it wasn't mentioned here it was at worst "pretty good" and more often "really fantastic"!

I know you mentioned you might not be doing more games, but I hope you do, and even if they're on a much smaller scale I'll absolutely be picking them up!


Thank-you for documenting such a thorough playthrough, and finding some nice bugs to squash as you went.  I'm glad it went reasonably well.

Lots of good observations and things for me to consider moving forward.  I feel you on various points, and I'll have a look at communicating one or two extra things as the player potentially misses something.  There even used to be a vendor for the ?S, but I removed the option when I added their usable stat boost effect.

The Columbarium has always definitely been a trial, their positions are highly variable and they flip between movement methods when you go in and out of hiding, so it can produce quite a wall of sorts as they try to prevent your entry.  I kinda like it because they don't grind you down rapidly, just one sanity at a time, but I could easily enough look at a wider path or more stairs to the entrance or what have you.

For T.Layers, I am pretty sure there's enough SIGILS to open all the GATES, but it's hard to figure out if it's nonetheless possible to break it with some unexpected order.  There's two red, two blue, two purple and one black, and I don't think any are locked behind a colored gate, so it seems to be okay on the surface.  I know I sometimes get lost trying to find them all myself.

All in all, an interesting examination of my game, and I hope other people find something to enjoy about it or some bug I can improve the game by fixing.

Thank-you very much for purchasing HOME GAME 3, and I hope more LEWIS finds you next time!

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I think maybe for Layers I must have just lost track of the second Blue Sigil at some point and assumed I had already used it! That place is such a maze!

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I was thinking it over and realized there isn't really a need for a vendor that sells ?Stones to solve the game anew issue when a much simpler balance solution would just be a vendor/source that offers T.Shoules instead, as that solves the problem of having access to enough power.


In your own time there are only a handful, and in the future there are none, so I went back and added a special vendor in the distant past who has a stock of them.