i want to create full in-depth stories to be read along with my music, ambient music, and sound design work. Full length meaning either the story/narrative has an ending or has an open-ended ending like in the examples below. I view this as a collaboration so we will share the credit. I will not micro-manage or tell you what to write or how to write but may sometimes provide a prompt or starting point to help conceptualize the music/audio/ambience into a story or poem.
Reference material:
Goal: submit our collaboration to OST game jams with "read while listening" in the short description.
I tried to write a little story myself but this is not my strength so i wrote a short passage. Nevertheless, this is a good example of how the product will look: https://clyphdrops.itch.io/friendly-game-jam-submission
about me
My name is: Clyph
My music channel:
my process is improvisation so the type of music created will change
Looking to collaborate with a writer, story teller, poets, and other forms of written word even in different languages or fonts.
Thank you for your time