How do I call Mei at the hotel?
this guide is really helpfull if you need other info
I already did those steps, but when I call Mi, it stays on a static image, I can move the camera and everything but where should I click or what key should I press to call her?.
I don't know if I should press something to get a phone or something, or maybe I did one of the steps wrong. But according to me I did everything right according to the guide
This version has problems with scripts, try changing this line
in the save file (save.json) you need to fix it from false to true, it helped me
like this
It’s okay, forums are created to discuss any questions, it’s not difficult for me to answer. Depending on the post 9 days ago, the question is whether this question is relevant. Recently a small update was released, perhaps it changed dependencies or something else. I can’t say for sure, right now I don’t have access to the code, so I can recommend trying to close other Japanese events, it helped one friend.