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Fully documented game template to make your own 3d ray-casting games in Construct 2 or Construct 3 with no 3d plugins! · By
You can increase the "rays" variable, but you'll have to do some other tweaks to make it all look right. In the C2 version it starts to get bogged down faster with more rays. I'm working on an update now that fixes the horizontal fish-eye and updates how objects are rendered along with some other fixes / features like textured floors and ceilings (using the Mode7 effect plugin). It needs some clean up so that you should be able to increase the resolution with just one variable and have everything else kinda fall in line.
Without having it in front of me... There's a global variable called "eyelevel" that you can play with which will move the player's pov up and down, but you might also have to adjust the floor and ceiling's effect parameters.
The easiest way would be to make the walls and objects taller or shorter. Take a look at the manual and sample projects.
Hi! Purchased recently and am only just starting to experiment. Lots of great stuff in this pack.
There are instructions for making high walls, just import a taller image - does the same apply for making shorter walls? e.g. If I imported a 128-pixel-high image as a wall texture, would it be half as high in the 3D view?
Not quite yet. Construct's current 3d plugin can't support fps movement or camera angle changing yet. The one they have now you can only turn 90 degrees. I played with it and that's because you can't yrotate objects or change the camera angle but you can move blocks around to give a 3d look but only moving on the cardinal lines. Really cool for retro style dungeon crawlers.
It's only a matter of time though before I'll have to make my fps template support the 3d objects.
...Update... Still not dead because though Construct 3 now has a camera for FPS, it can't handle opacity very well, and there are no effects available for 3d objects so no lighting, so there are things you still can't do FPS wise with it. I've been trying and talking to Ashley and they still aren't fully there. Once they get there if they do I can maybe port this template to use full 3d and include that as well (keeping the ray casting ones too.