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A member registered Feb 19, 2014 · View creator page →

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I think there is a weighted expression, you might need to convert the data type but for examples you can use

.RandomChoiceWeighted("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", "1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3")

this will pick a number between 1 and 10
with 9,10 being 3x more likely to be chosen
6,7,8 being 2x more likely to be chosen
and 1,2,3,4,5 being the least likely to be chosen

if this is not what you are looking for let me know more details about exactly what your looking and I can add something for it.

you're tiny ranger series is fantastic! every time I see one of these drops I get excited. 

any traction on this?

any plans for a tiny ranger snow level? 

the vibe for this game great. great take on the theme

this was really polished, great take on the theme. 

this was pretty cool idea, on the second level with making the thing bigger, i had skill issues and could not get the right scale, i did have a ton of fun, the ship controls were a bit chaotic, but i think that's why i liked it so much. good stuff 

I had fun playing this, great take on the theme ;)

this was really cool, well polished, the footsteps and animation gave it a really cute vibe, great job


the puzzle were good, the movement was a bit confusing at first,  pretty good game!

this was very polished, not really sure how it fits the theme? but its a pretty fun none the less, great work

the last level had me puzzled, until I realized I can drop the tank, this was awesome, I really enjoyed this, the one piece of feedback I can offer is the controls were a bit stiff, maybe that was intentional, all in all though great entry 

the aesthetic is real nice and moody, music was sick too, great job

this was pretty cool for a jam game, at one point everyone tried going to park? not sure what was goin g on? mybe they needed fresh air? good job!

very nice,  lots of different power up, one thing at the beginning, there were like big guys but they were like in the background, and it was confusing which ones killed me and which we just for decoration. 

yo, i wish my game look this good. this was sick! literally

picking up the tools was hit or miss, and the movement was a bit janky, but this was a pretty solid fun game, great stuff!

I tried so many times, this was pretty addicting, it's simple, challenging, and very fun, one of my favorites so far! 

Hey thanks for playing, yeah noticed the bugs too late to fix, luckily the ai is also somewhat bugged and they get dumb so it makes it easier.  I have more stuff planned I had to cut cause of time, like t-cells, and others. I learned a whole making this game though. 

thanks for playing, yeah I noticed the selection bug too late, at least it's still playable. and ai goes dumb sometimes, but i had a blast figuring out how to make this game! again thanks for playing!

This was a nice simple easy game, the capybara was very cute. congrats on your submission! 

probably not, I used this jam as a way to learn some stuff i might use later on, but for this game, i don't really know.  i might use the ideas in a different project

That was a bug, that is not intended behavior. Thanks for playing tho. 

Thanks for the feedback, you are definitely right the game was slower than I had hoped, and I could have added way more juice and feedback, it is one of the things I regret I got focused on the path finding and Ai that I lost track of all the other stuff.  Thank you for playing and taking the time to give feedback

This was really cool, the procedural aspect is impressive. the combat was fun but janky, it was a bit hard to aim at times. also really did not understand how to beat the game i would go around go into the dark portal and it would start over? overall great entry

that first jump is wicked, was not able to make it. art looked dope though

the idea is pretty neat, i enjoyed this.  took a few times to memorize the layout, had to restart a bunch cause i wasted all the bullet and then i was lost.  

yikes, i think i killed this puppy like 50 times, poor guy... that first level was hard, great job!

thank you for playing,

(1 edit)

I wish i could have added sounds effects,  I sound have just recorded my voice making explosion sounds. I spent too long making my awful music loop. sound effects would have gone a long way with the game feel...thanks for playing

thanks for giving it try, i agree it was so slow. i was going for a rouge feel.  i could have speed that up a lot. it makes sense while i was testing. i was getting a bit annoyed as well so i would move the character to different places to speed things up, i guess that should have been a sign lol, hind sight is 20/20

thanks, yeah my goal for the jam was to figure los / pathfinding using the tools construct had, its where i spent the bulk of my time.  i was able to learn a whole ton thanks to some great examples. there were so many bugs and edge cases i really wished I fixed with the LOS . thanks for playing 

the idea was awesome, I really enjoyed this game, i could not thru the last level it was real hard, but this was great

that thing was terrifying , you nailed the vibe for sure. getting very claustrophobic, great game 

very fast paced, the music was sick, the mini map did not really help much, i didn't really get the escape part, but the game was fun, hard to avoid the bullets but who doesn't like getting bombarded by bullets =)  

the animation were nice! could use a bit more polish and juice, the game play was fun overall, a bit janky but fun 

was getting this error and could not run the game =(

Application folder:
There should be 'Escape the void_Data'
folder next to the executable

Yo, this was awesome, voice acting was great, i has on hold for like an hour, you guys were definitely  trolling.  every time that dude would run on me it always startled me , great job.  one of the funnest game i have played so far

the sound effects and art was nice, but i have no idea how to play, even after reading the instruction i was a bit confused