Hello everyone! Music: I am currently looking for someone to make some music for my game, Laser Tanks. Here is some of the info:
- First of all, I will of course credit you, on the game splash screen if you have a logo, on the game description and in the game menu.
- The main style would be kind of like futuristic. Honestly I don’t know much about music theory so I don’t have much to say here. Go wild!
Tracks needed
- Main menu track
- 3 different gameplay tracks that can loop (For more diversity)
- This is optional, but if possible, make a second track which is more intense for when the player starts to get more and more score and the game is harder.
Sounds Again, I am currently looking for someone to make sfx for my game, Laser Tanks
- I will also credit you, on the game splash screen if you have a logo, on the game description and in the game menu.
- The main style would be kind of like futuristic. I know even less about sound theory so yeah just choose whatever style you think fits. Go wild!
Sounds required
- Affirmative sound (Menu clicked)
- Exit sound (Exiting pause, exiting settings)
- Bullet impact
- Shoot sound
That’s basically it. If you want more info reply down in this thread, or contact me in my discord. (@Joshisaurio) Thanks for your time!