This is a little guide on how to use the B3D Model plugin preview.
Contained within the "B3D Model Plugin" archive are two c2addon files. One is an updated version of the main plugin (0.912), the other the preview of the Model plugin. Drag both of these files into an open Construct 2 window in order to install.
Then grab a model and give it a go.
First of all make sure you have your model imported into your Construct 2 project so it appears in the "Files" folder in the "Projects" tab.
While a few common formats may actually work I do recommend to use the gltf/glb model format since it worked the best for me so far.
Now in the B3D Model object's properties the correct file name has to be entered.
As you can see you may also set the initial Z elevation, the scale and default animation if your model has any.
Finally models will only be actually loaded when you use the "Load models"-action of the main plugin.
Models may take a moment to actually appear. There is already the expression "modelProgress" which can be used to avoid showing the scene too early.
Have fun trying out your models in Baby 3D!