I noticed problems in manual 5 speed and 2 speed mode shifting gears. It suddenly will not work and I have to quit the game and start all over. However, automatic works fine. Using a wireless xbox one controller.
When it suddenly doesn't work, does it happen mid-race? Does the car still move/accelerate? Does the shift indicator that tells you in which gear you are in change when you press the buttons? Or does it say N? You could turn on the pedal bars in the UI option screen. If the left blue bar is full, it's the clutch that's stuck, which shouldn't. The more info, the better!
When this happens, it's either 2 or 5 spd transmission. You can brake, can not accelerate. You are able to turn when it happens. You just get stuck in the gear. It can also happen at any point of a race. You can see what gear your in by the indicator. I'm not using a clutch by the way. Just shifting. Do I need to use a clutch??? Thank you.
No, you don't need a clutch. 馃槈 The clutch is automatically operated. However, sometimes it gets stuck after crashing. It doesn't happen to me anymore, but maybe it does on your system.
Do you play the downloadable version, or the web version?
Does it usually happen after a few crashes?
Does the car stil rev, but without accelerating?
The gear gets stuck if I'm correct? Or does it still go up and down?
Try turning on the pedal bars anyway. If the blue bar is full, the clutch is stuck in the open position.
From what I remember, t he car won't rev when this happens. I'm playing the downloadable version. You're correct. The gear gets stuck and you can't shift up or down. I'm not sure if this happens after a few crashes, but at least you're aware of it. I hope I was able to help you and answer your questions. Thank you for the reply. Fun game!