Issue: after loading a second spritesheet, the value for the option 'Start numbering from' is automatically set to 1, but when slicing and writing the newly loaded spritesheet, the result pane shows the sprites starting from 0 instead of 1and the written files also start with 0 instead of 1. Probably the first array value is used and not the autoset 'Start numbering from' value.
Note: once the slice results are shown AND you schange the 'Start numbering from' value, the results are numbered correctly and the files are also correctly written to disk.
- load a png, jpeg or bmp spritesheet file
- set slice settings
- slice the loaded sprite sheet
- do not write to disk as this is not relevant yet
- set 'Start numbering from' to value 2 or higher
- load another sprite sheet
- notice the 'Start numbering from' value is now autoset to 1
- set slice settings and slice the loaded sprite sheet
- notice the 'Start numbering from' is autoset to 1 but the numbering is incorrectly starting from 0 instead of 1
- write to disk
- notice the file numbering of the sliced sprites is also incorrectly starting from 0 instead of 1
Prio: Low