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A member registered Sep 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Congratz on the release, Julia!

Awesome! And thank you for the compliments.

There will be more games coming out, just keep an eye out :)

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And yes, you're just one step away of finishing this game :)

Instead of giving him something powerful, you might help him by using something powerful yourself. Maybe that newly acquired object will get him out of that prison...

Mmhh, did you use the magic wand on the skull?

It will provide you with an essential item to enter the bedroom.

Thank you!

If I understand you correctly you are currently stuck in another L.K. Avalon game called 'Klatwa', right?

Top notch games this anthology!

Congrats on the release!

I absolutely love your Telwynium series!


The progress is very slow as real life takes away much time again. But rest assured, this one will for sure be released.

Thank you!!


Hi oldschooljoe, why would you like the c64  version specificallyspecifically to be remade?

As in gameplay the amiga, c64 and dos versions are identical. Graphic wise they the c64 is close to the amiga and dos version, which are both identical. Only the music is different per version, the c64 and amiga music are slightly identical, but the dos version is quite different.

thank you!

Thank you, glad you like it.

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I for sure will check that one out as well, thank you for the info!

Thank you! 

I found out about this game via IndieRetroNews which reported about your released remake. As I'm always on the lookout for 'lost gems' as I call these obscure, often non-english games, I felt this one definately deserved a remake/port to Windows, Linux and Mac as well. And so it was done :)

hi, thank you. I already noticed your c64 version, it's a very nice remake with a bit of a demake flavor, well done. Your remake is also mentioned (with itch link) in the 'game history' section in the help in my remake :)

Thank you for (a) the comment and (b) for the testing work you put into this plus (c) for providing the mac image :)


Awesome series!

thanx Cosmic Void, BrocantyGames will do :)

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Thank you for this little gem, that was fun! 
Finished the game with 26 out of 26 points. 
and oh, found something ;)

Another cosmic void game, agi-like with text parser:  awesome

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Looks awesome, looking forward to the release.

Gratz on the release CapD and Lorenzo!


Thank you! With real voices for each character instead of the same poor synthesized computer voice for each should already make it a better experience. And way more background  music tracks should add even more to that. And a real easy-to-use point 'n click system will make better playable :)


Thank you!

Thanx Nahuel!

Thank you, sir. Hope you'll enjoy this one  :)

thanx, that's exactly my goal, finding old and often obscure-ish gems, remake and improve them so everyone can enjoy these little gems from the 'ol days :)

Thanx, Athanasius.

Grandad is currently in testing phase and will soon be released.

Mortville manor is frozen because of some VA issues annd MotM will be finished up soon.

And The Curse (a remake of Klatwa, originally a Polish-language only adventure game) is also   finished up soon. I had to rewrite this game completely again because i made a mistake in the design.

A second telwynium installment, that's awesome!
I really enjoyed playing the first chapter.

Thank you, sir :)

Yes, Mortville Manor had voice synth but that sounded very unclear and robotically which made each spoken line quite hard to 'decypher' as player.

The nowadays 'natural voices'  synths are pretty cool, but still sound a bit off here and there. So therefor VA would be the best to replace the original voice synth Mortville Manor used.

So, if for some reason I can't find enough voice actors/actresses, I'll stick with text only indeed.
We'll see...  

I simply have no experience in creating speech synthesis voices. I've also no idea if there's software available to do so.

Finding voice actors/actresses is indeed very hard. Once I have the audio, putting it all together isn't hard though, I've been an audio editor on several commercial games in the past working with voice actor/actress audio lines, clean up and edit and get it all in the game.

Looking very nice!