I like the technique with all those very differently coloured pixels next to each other.
Don't like the ?headshot? content. The black and red lines could use the same noise tomake the image more consistent. But I think the image would be best with just the background, as an abstract piece.
It makes me happy that you cherish it.
Did you aim for something?
If you aimed for disturbing, that's how I would describe it. The red text feels a bit out of place though.
Were this a painting I would not hang it into a lobby, unless I would have a spooky house. It is unsettling and I would imagine a crazy child character to draw like this in a video game. Especially because the red things look very much like a headshot and proably is meant to be one. Also, without further context, moon does has a quite literal connection to lunar and lunatic, in other words: crazyiness. An inmate in an asylum maybe.
So, no, I do not like that piece of art, nor that art style. If it fulfills a role, so be it. But there is no beauty there to appreciate for me to "like" the art. Abstract art is not something for me. Liking it or not, does not come into it.