EDIT: First of all, thank you everyone for showing interest in the project. We now have one person for each role, and development is starting. I'm hoping to keep the team small for now at least, but if anything happens (either someone has to leave or decides that they need help) I will return to this topic and look through the newer replies.
I’m making a 3D first person Dungeon Crawler with dynamic combat and I need a team. I’m already taking care of the 2D art, the writing, and the design, and I also made a short demo by myself.
This demo is more of a proof of concept and works as a tutorial of sorts. I’ve tried to make it feel close to what the real game will be like, but had to work within the limits of my skills, so things like the simplified monochrome environments are not a representative of the final product.
This is my first serious project, and the plan is to sell it on Steam and other platforms when it’s finished. Most of the game is already planned (the areas, bosses, playable characters, etc) but I won’t be able to do everything by myself.
I need a programmer to code the game in an engine of their choice. I have a detailed document explaining all of the mechanics and everything of note, but the more specific details (damage formulas, balancing, skills, level design, etc) will be taken care of during development, once the basics are finished and those aspects can be properly tested and adjusted as needed. In advance, I can say that the game will be as complex as an average RPG, and the most difficult part of programming it might be some special gimmicks for bosses (like one who will have skills capable of manipulating time) and the unique mechanics for each playable character (five in total).
In addition to a programmer, I will also need a 3D artist. It’ll be mostly for the tilesets and props shown in the overworld, and the game will only have a handful of characters with 3D models and a few animations each. I also have a document explaining the important props and each area of the game while providing visual references (mostly through the use of mood boards, since I’m not the best at drawing environments). The overall art style of the game will be dark, classical and gothic, and the graphics and aesthetic of the 3D parts should be something close to the PS2 era (similar to games such as Haunting Ground, Rule of Rose, and Chaos Legion). The environment art of the final game will not be black-and-white like in this demo.
Finally, I’m also going to need a composer. There will be a theme song for every area in the overworld, every playable character, most bosses, and some extra ones for the menus and such. I also have a document providing examples with songs of similar styles to what I want, but in advance I can say that the music should mostly use classical instruments with the addition of rocks instruments for combat songs (think of something like Castlevania or the Keygen Church’s albums).
As the title says, this will be a revshare project. I have no money to pay for someone to work for me, so all I can do is split the profits once the game is finished.
Currently, I am still working on what I can do on my own. Most of the interfaces and the 2D assets for the first area of the game are complete, but there’s still a lot of work to be done, as there is quite a bit of content planned.