Apparently the smaller the window size, the less fps I have, with 1 extra it is still possible, but with more than 1 it becomes unfeasible, I tried with two 64x64 windows. Works great with larger sizes like 800x800

Create multiple windows in GameMaker games! · By
I make this simple code:
var config = new winwin_config();
config.caption = "Hello!";
config.resize = true;
global.window = [[window_get_x() + 800,window_get_y(), 100,100],
[window_get_x() + 900,window_get_y(), 400,400],
[window_get_x() + 1000,window_get_y(), 100,100]]
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(global.window); i++)
global.window[i] = winwin_create(global.window[i][0],global.window[i][1], global.window[i][2],global.window[i][3], config);
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(global.window); i++){
I tested a little more and found the cause of my problem, but I didn't test as much. Apparently if the second extra window created is in smaller proportions the FPS of the main window drops considerably, in the example it works well at 400x400, but if I change it to 200x200 the problem happens
I found the cause of the problem, I had a Windows setting activated:
Settings > Gaming > Game Mode > Graphics > Windowed Game Optimizations - Reduce latency and use advanced features in supported games using the flip presentation model (was active).
Suggestion: I imagine that it is not and should not be possible to simply turn off this user option, but perhaps there could be a variable that identifies whether this option is turned on or not (and nvidia's too since it is the same idea), so a " warning" could be added to the game.
I can definitely add something if there’s a way to retrieve this that does not involve me reverse-engineering the NVIDIA driver (pretty sure that all settings are stored in that multi-megabyte e nvdrsdb0.bin
file) or setting up a brand new Win11 install in a VM to figure out what registry path the setting gets stored in (if at all).