Julia only gives BJ, even after 2 Gold Necklaces.
Iron never replenishes after being mined. Leave the m, wait a week… nothing.
The Peeping Tom Event on Nelly w/Fat Fake Baron I cannot find.
Her sister might have a tryst w/Guard after a romantic event w/MC. If so, when trying to walk out of Domain House from Kitchen when John Sword is exploring Nelly’s sister Triss, game irreparably freezes.
Even on weekends, the sisters can be found in Fake Baron’s larger house (error), as simultaneously at the attached house specifixally FOR said employs to use on days off (Weekends).
Severe coding problems. I already spoke of phantom images not being scrubbed after interactions (https://itch.io/t/4516890/screen-pollution-chatacter-pixels-often-fail-to-close-after-dialogue). This might even also happen the other way around, w/Characters not fully populating during Convos.
On this subject, to give credence to the title, on unearthing the “Treaaures” from the “Treasure Maps”, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is rewarded as the Spoils long Buried. Simply a “Oohh, here I should look” type of phrasing.
Further, after the divorce from Walter in the new house, it is impossible to paint the loving Aunt’s face after giving the town a show from the window, despite electing to do so. It stays in a loop until picking one of the other two options. The images attached are NC-17, so I elect nit to post them on itch.
There is 0, ZERO, QC of coding errors! Highly incensory. UX intends to blame gamwrs for the flaws. Blocked Account SirMalo is simply the bidet of his company’s bosses. Better games exist than this. Here is conclusive proof the staff can make or break ANY project. Shame, it had might have had potential.
I admit, I do not hide my ire. Neither should you fellow gamers. Speak AND stand against usery. As to QoS, better options exist. I respond & post for every game I play, to not be a number to tally for CCs.Every product & Service has Customers and Vendors. If there’s an imbalance, it will only get worse, until there’s an Intervention. That’s common sense.
To all of you other players: What are YOUR gaming problems? Better yet, just list, well, better titles. An easy one dor me to turn to is RenRyuu. Also uses RPGEngine, but has more responsive (if delayed) UX maintenance. Game is, effectively, complete, just with filler content being constantly added. It has an engaging, otherworldly, storyline. Perhaps this very title used it as inapiration? Sadly, that’s the only decent RPGE VN I know of, when looking at every.single.demerit I just laid out for Cataclyzm. Name some better games, everyone!