No, 1+yr radio silence? Abandoned, I’m sure. F*** ‘em is the author’s mentality. Probably used the game for a resume to work for Amazon ot Google or even the Gov’t.
Author’s just some “pump-and-dump” f****er.
The world would be more productive without you. This is a problem in the lines of code, not an acceptable error for UX, you irresponsible Slope. Solve the problem myself? My fault for using a “Supported Medium”? I didn’t program this manure, and English translators & test cheating will only get you so far. Do the world the only favor you’re capable of, and it only happens once.
Julia only gives BJ, even after 2 Gold Necklaces.
Iron never replenishes after being mined. Leave the m, wait a week… nothing.
The Peeping Tom Event on Nelly w/Fat Fake Baron I cannot find.
Her sister might have a tryst w/Guard after a romantic event w/MC. If so, when trying to walk out of Domain House from Kitchen when John Sword is exploring Nelly’s sister Triss, game irreparably freezes.
Even on weekends, the sisters can be found in Fake Baron’s larger house (error), as simultaneously at the attached house specifixally FOR said employs to use on days off (Weekends).
Severe coding problems. I already spoke of phantom images not being scrubbed after interactions ( This might even also happen the other way around, w/Characters not fully populating during Convos.
On this subject, to give credence to the title, on unearthing the “Treaaures” from the “Treasure Maps”, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is rewarded as the Spoils long Buried. Simply a “Oohh, here I should look” type of phrasing.
Further, after the divorce from Walter in the new house, it is impossible to paint the loving Aunt’s face after giving the town a show from the window, despite electing to do so. It stays in a loop until picking one of the other two options. The images attached are NC-17, so I elect nit to post them on itch.
There is 0, ZERO, QC of coding errors! Highly incensory. UX intends to blame gamwrs for the flaws. Blocked Account SirMalo is simply the bidet of his company’s bosses. Better games exist than this. Here is conclusive proof the staff can make or break ANY project. Shame, it had might have had potential.
I admit, I do not hide my ire. Neither should you fellow gamers. Speak AND stand against usery. As to QoS, better options exist. I respond & post for every game I play, to not be a number to tally for CCs.Every product & Service has Customers and Vendors. If there’s an imbalance, it will only get worse, until there’s an Intervention. That’s common sense.
To all of you other players: What are YOUR gaming problems? Better yet, just list, well, better titles. An easy one dor me to turn to is RenRyuu. Also uses RPGEngine, but has more responsive (if delayed) UX maintenance. Game is, effectively, complete, just with filler content being constantly added. It has an engaging, otherworldly, storyline. Perhaps this very title used it as inapiration? Sadly, that’s the only decent RPGE VN I know of, when looking at every.single.demerit I just laid out for Cataclyzm. Name some better games, everyone!
I bwlieve SirMalo answered the 2nd Q ( (unless I missed something), but am still clueless as to the how-to steal Kaali from LoganLogs Liu the Lumberjack
Also, can I get Timmy’s Mom to stop whoring herself out? Bad enough she’s a heroine with more mileage than the Autobahn. Not going to trust a moving meter.
Error 404, pal. Maybe it’s time to leave the nest, fly away to a CC who doesn’t just pander? The 304 doesn’t even have full S1 Open-to-Public.
That’s my sampler list, now tell me YOUR favorite appetizers I didn’t list! I need some tango partners!
I never used the software outside of the website itself. HiveMind outsources files to 3rd-party repositories, so what’s the point?
My advice, Guard, is to scrub the apk/iApp/WinMount, relying on browsers. Gives you more storage space that way as a bonus!
When you use the http, sometimes the filehosts throw hangups all the same. Competition is good for business & free enterprise, right?
Ah, we all get troubles sometimes,TimeShield. I noticed from trying to launch another title how JoiPlay turns into useless JoyHate, running nothing but RAM Usage and invasive & wholly unnecessary http pings to tell the world everything that needs to stay private, erstwhile launching NOTHING I tell it to. Tch.
16Mo since… anything! At this rate, the Content Creator will be outpaced by AGI & Organoid Intelligence (coded to make HUMANS the Simulation, and, no, this is not a joke or drill).
Does your friend want to finish before we all die or not!?!?
Coding on Win8.1+ is demonstrably hard,I know. Getting a solid Win7 or reliable Linux or affordable pre-Tim Cook Apple is no walk in the park. Still, there needs to be a tangible & practical Plan!
One in a million game here. Shit gets real and reflects dystopian Real Life.
4th Wall breaking and other jokes bring levity, but there is a very hardened storyline (like most AVNs), showing how, like most titles, it is a kinetic story w/makeup.
I never hold back on comments, good or bad, so I’ll say it bluntly. It reminds me of the Apocalyptic Times we are in, and it strangles my Tie. This may, I hope, need the mythic “ #nsfl “ tag.
Jason, the production thinly veils what many of us once wrote off as “fantasy”, fantasies that one can find in newspaper articles & medical papers IRL. Perfect delivery of terrifying truth!
Thank you for painting the #Snowpiercer of this decade. Just… make it truly Dynamic, w/meamingful choices. I get the restraints -the dragon- has on production as The Eagle signs its half of The Marble’s Swan Song, but this point is moot considering the glacial pace of production that may not render completion before Apollyon’s march.
In short:
Veery Realistic (so far). Keep it that way, make even more reliable than Bitchute or X! A man wrote the world’s most terrifying Book from #Patymos some millemia ago, maybe you can find inspiration there, at least from 1 angle.
The pace is prohibitively slow. Hurry it up.
Grammar used is actually high quality here, very succinct! Top Shelf!
The story is still very short, so you have time to craft in life-altering & truly direction-altering) choices. Do so!
In 1 year, only 1 update. You mentioned “resetting” the quality. Now it’s “upgraded”, hurry! Good images & great English. You leveled up. Done. Good job. Now, hurry! You can do it! You MUST do it!
I looked for other titles to enjoy while waiting, since coding isn’t as fast and easy as even making Green Curry from scratch, more akin to training a Bully Kitta. Meaner than the mafia, they are.
Ahem, I found no luck. The only other name not hiding behind a GIMMEGIMMEGIMME wall was RenRyuu.
Much fewer pixels, and RPG. Not for everyone, and CERTAINLY not as beautiful, but it iiisss equally riveting, if you like the SNES feel it brings.
That and Milfairy Tales are both alive and well for the Retro Enthusiasts, but they just, they jusst… aren’t 3D. Doesn’t mean they’re bad, don’t get me wrong. They just have a different angle. (Also, Milfairy doesn’t run on Apk or even JoiPlay, so f*** that.)
All the others I found were tiered. I get the need for money, trust me, I do. Thing is, money can only buy you so much. In order to keep getting said money, you have to invest in respect and self-respect. Hard-earned, yet easily lost.
Salud . I owe you, Caribdis.
The more the better! It’s a compelling and engaging story. —Will this be your -Finale-, or will you continue your enterprise? This one’s even better than 1x/Lifetime, your spiritual precursor. —If you’re unsure, plenty of filler and extra chapters are always welcome! Gives you more to -laud- about, anyway!