I have created a completely fresh RPG Maker MZ project, and I'm getting this error in the game while trying to use this plugin:
Cannot read property 'removeSpaces' of undefined"
And this from the log:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeSpaces' of undefined
at Parameters.parseClassCurves (EliMZ_ClassCurves.js:506)
at new Parameters (EliMZ_ClassCurves.js:467)
at Object.initParameters (EliMZ_ClassCurves.js:562)
at Object.initialize (EliMZ_ClassCurves.js:558)
at EliMZ_ClassCurves.js:729
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://njgcanhfjdabfmnlmpmdedalocpafnhl/js/libs/pixi.js.map: System error: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND