First and foremost, huge thanks to Internet Janitor for making Decker, and likewise to the small, but tight community who use it to make awesome stuff. I still don't have any idea what I'm doing, but reading through some of you all's community posts has been very insightful!
From what I understand, many of Decker's limitations are very intentional. I opened the software today, and as I was poking around, I found myself wondering if there was any way to organize cards into sub-decks or folders of some sort for the different parts of a project, and as far as I can tell, there is not. This was on my mind, because I would eventually like to put an interactive story together using Decker, and I think navigating a project would be easier if I was able to have a folder for each chapter and organize a deck that way. My apologies if something like this is already possible and I just missed it 馃槄