I imported some high quality Textures and made a simple game, made the map dark with a few lights. I turned all the setting up to maximum and and was blown away. Great graphics, and a very high framerate. With no effects I had almost 700fps! with all effects at maximum except for bloom I had 200fps! With bloom on I still had 90fps! And on a big map. The only thing missing is the ability to edit in 3d. If maps could be taken from the 2d editor into 3d editor it would surely be the best thing ever especially if we had ladders and some way to at least fake water, i don't need gta5 water, duke nukem water or better would be fine. is there any way to do this? Ladders or lifts are very important. This is a screenshot with everything turned on including bloom. I made this in 5 minutes on a 2012 AMD laptop