Hey! I'm putting together a Monster Boyfriends bundle on Itchio very soon!
You can submit your project here: https://forms.gle/cdNdYtMRbY9K1JFP6
This bundle is intended for adult audiences and we will only be accepting mature or adult rated work. Your work does not need to include sex to be considered, but it does need to at least include romance or sexual tension between a monster boyfriend and someone else.
Depending on how many submissions we end up with, the bundle will cost anywhere from $20 to $40.
This bundle accepts:
- Comics
- Novels
- Games
- Audio
- Anything narrative!
As long as your work has a monster boyfriend and is romantic or erotic in some way, we're interested!
We'd especially like to see monster boyfriends who are a...
- Werewolf
- Dragon
- Cryptid
- Non-humanoid Alien
- Robot
- Some other big, wonderful, scary creature!
Demons, vampires, etc, will also be accepted but will be lower on the priority list! If you've got multiple stories you think might fit, go ahead and submit them all and we will decide what fits best with the theme or we'll accept more than one. (Keep in mind, having more than one project in the bundle will not increase your cut of the revenue.)
You'll need to be able to accept being in the bundle before March 1st. Please keep that in mind and be vigilant about checking e-mails and messages. (Within 72 hours of receiving the e-mail is when I hope to hear back from folks!)