This is my first 7DRL since 2021. Time flies, I didn't think it had been that long....
I've always done fairly classic, traditional roguelikes. This time I decided to try something different.
My design is heavily inspired by Kerkerkruip - a hybrid of roguelike and interactive fiction. However, the fact that English is not my native language complicates the interactive fiction part a bit. That's why I decided to make a game that's more UI- and symbol-heavy, and instead of traditional roguelike or if levels, use a roguelite node system, with nodes generated on the fly.
The project is slowly starting to look like a game. The dice throwing mechanics and the use of these mechanics in combat is fairly complete. Traveling from node to node works, and most of the menus already work, too.
I post updates more regularly on roguelike Discord server (hi, I'm Ved). You can also download an archive that contains both windows and linux version from my GitHub: Actually, I would really appreciate some feedback how it works on Linux as currently I don't have access to physical or virtual machine running Linux. It should work fine because I was testing the engine itself on Linux earlier. I hope that instruction on the release page how to run and play the game are sufficient.