Since there is no comment sections, I'll just comment here.
This game is actually really intriguing.
The writing is pretty good, the artwork very good --especially in the CG's.
And the LI's varied and colorful.
I adore Noel, he reminds me a bit of a Sith.
How could one not swoon at that? ^_^
The biggest drawback was that there was far too few save-slots.
For a game where decisions are so important, and each one may actually impact the outcome (in theory at least) there really need to be more space to save in.
(Personally I think that the perfect ratio of saveslots is the double of one slot per Choice, plus one. lol
In case you want a second run through the game. ^_^ )
I was disappointment that the game doesn't seem to be on Steam.
Will it come out on Steam eventually?
If it does, I will almost certainly buy it there.
I dislike buying games elsewhere.
(And, admittedly, not sure if I even can. My online payments are forever stuck in limbo.... >_> )
I will keep my fingers crossed it will come on Steam. ^_^