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Early access to simulations and prototypes in development for RetroFab · By Itizso

Suggestion: Dragon by Tiger Electronics 1982

A topic by gjupp created 2 days ago Views: 20 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Long time no chat. I cant remember if I have mentioned this game from my childhood before but would love to see it implemented. Unfortunately I can't find a lot about it but have found these two recent ebay listings with some images and a short video.

It looks like some of the LCD segments are missing but between the two ebay listings you might be able to get a full set.



(2 edits)

Thanks for the suggestion Graham. 

I'm not sure there is enough material online for an accurate simulation, but maybe someone in the community can help. 

I did find some scans of the packaging at,  

And there is a photo of all the LCD segments from the Orlitronic version at

There are also some scans of the  Grandstand version at

Nice find, I do recall there were a few different releases of the same game from different companies (Tiger, Orlitronic and Grandstand), which may help when searching for some gameplay videos, the only video I could find for the Tiger version was on one of the ebay listings in my first post and it's very short.

Odd how the box art graphics are quite a bit different to the LCD background image on the actual game.

I suspect the segment image you mentioned is reasonably usable, not very high res but does probably show enough detail for an upscale or redraw?

Also found this image of background

and an old expired listing on ebay with some decent box art but non english language text:

Here is the full size version of the LCD segments :)

Hey nice one... I didn't realise that the save button icon at handheldempire would result in revealing a higher quality image.  :)