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[Programmer] Developer looking to join/start a project

A topic by twidye created Jun 13, 2019 Views: 653 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 6


I'm new to this site and looking for a project to join/start.

I'm a full time software developer in Canada. I'm interested in helping out part time on a game. I'm open to working on and learning new languages/frameworks that I haven't used yet.

For my day job I work on a web application, our stack is mainly Java and Angular  so no game development there. During my CS degree however I got a chance to work with Unity for a bit so I have some experience with it. I have experience with UI/UX and draw casually (however I'm not a great artist!)

I'm mostly interested in working on a game, with a strong storyline such as a VN or RPG or something light and casual like simulation game. 

I don't mind working unpaid If the game is opensource or completely free, if not we can have the discussion then.


Hello, I am actually looking for a programmer for my Visual Novel.  Please email me at or Discord @C1c4d4#4005

Heya, we're looking for a VN programmer as well. If you can use Ren'py then much better. We're a rev-share project. If you're interested, contact me using my Discord. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Kafuu Latte#8852

Hey twidye, 
I may have the project for you, it's open source, a simulation game, and uses quite a bit of new technology. It's a rewritten client from scratch of the game One Hour One Life, and I think it has quite the potential check it out

Would you like possible help with 2D art and animation? I could be willing to collab!