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City of Murals

Explore and survive a colorful, cute, and creepy world with enhanced abilities · By Rob Nally (Brotherly)


A topic by tenchfroast created Jun 17, 2019 Views: 494 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Hey! I was wondering if there's a way to change the settings PC side besides the usual Unity menu on launch? I love the way the game looks in your screenshots/gifs but when I launched it and chose the highest graphics setting available (for me it was very high), everything looked like a low draft quality. Especially the main character. 

The game in general didn't look or feel as polished as what your gifs show. I'm sure it's just an optimization thing since I have an older computer but I wanted to make sure it wasn't just the build itself, that it's not the same as the one your gameplay is pulled from.


Hey, yeah, it seems like it could be some kind of bug, but it's hard to know for sure without seeing what it looks like.  I had someone mention before that the character's texture was off or stretching which isn't something I see on my end, but it is something someone has mentioned before.  Perhaps it's a graphics card issue of some sort?  Maybe updating your graphics card drivers could help?  If I remember correctly you might need DX 11 or higher graphics settings for the game.  I think for one of the shaders I had to turn off DX 9 capability.

On the UI, on the bottom, the green number is your frames per second or FPS.  If it's below 25-30 the game will probably be a bit choppy and a bit lower quality.  So that might be able to help give you an idea as well of how the game is running on your machine.

There are some things in the game that may make it look a bit lower quality.  For instance, there is a tilt shift on the camera that blurs the screen edges.  If you have a small resolution size that might effect what you see more.  The lighting is also getting updated so some of the later levels with have lightmaps that are a bit off for now.  Hopefully I'll have them all updated for the next build.  The GIFs though are usually a bit lower quality than the game because of the GIF's compression.  So the GIF usually has more banding and noise than the regular game.  If you are playing on a big TV then the game may look more empty because the screen is so big and there is less noise and stuff going on than if the screen is smaller.  A TV or certain monitors may also have darker blacks and on the early levels where it's dark it may look too dark.  I changed the picture mode on my TV to Movie and that helped.

There are some VR graphics settings in the game that you can access from the PAUSE menu (OPTIONS), but there really isn't anything in game yet other than that.  I'd love to get some of those in there, but it is probably a bit of a ways off at the moment.  I should mention too that if you are using VR, some effects are turned off to adjust for that.  For instance, edge detection or the black outlines are turned off in VR because they get really pixelated there and can increase nausea.

If you have a screenshot of what you are seeing I can try and diagnose things further.


(1 edit)

Hi! I can't access any of the settings below the fullscreen toggle within the "Options" tab. My controller doesn't go any further than that button, and my mouse cursor gets stuck in place after the game launches - so that's not an option either. Is there any way I can change the game's settings without using the in-game menu? I'd like to see what the game has to offer, but it runs very poorly with the settings the game launches with.


Hey Lenny, sorry about that.  Here are a couple things you can try:

-the game should give you some options when you double click it in Windows.  You could try changing the Graphics quality and resolution there.
-in the options menu, you can press up (past the Back button) and the cursor should show up at the bottom.  You can then press up to change the Grahpics settings there.  The cursor won't show on the sliders, but just keep pressing up and you should eventually see your cursor in the graphics settings.  It should display red.  Press X or A depending on your controller and you should be able to change that dropdown.

Sorry for the trouble.  We're working on the Settings menu now and it's the number one priority.  I know it's pretty rough.  The next update should help address it.  We're aiming to push that by the end of March, but if we get it going sooner I'll push it sooner.  So maybe there will be an update in the next two weeks or so.

When I push it I'll reply back here and make a post about it on Twitter.

Thanks for giving the game a try.  I appreciate it.


i changed the graphics but not the other settings like resolution scaling


The latest build (up now) should have an updated settings menu.  It should be easier to navigate and it works with a mouse now as well which should hopefully help.  There are also resolution settings and VSync settings which can help with the graphics too.

Here's a bit more on the update: