As Loot Rascals is still in development there are sure to be bugs and crashes that we have missed!
The best way to let us know about these is to post in this thread with information about the bugs, email us on or to use the in game feedback form.
Please be aware that we are UK based so we will be monitoring support requests roughly between 9am - 6pm GMT during the week so please be patient if you send us a message outside of these times.
If you experience a crash, the game will now output a crash dump that will enable us to work out what caused it. When the game crashes, it will output a file called 'LootRascalsDump.dmp' in the game's working directory.
You can get to the working directory by clicking 'Show local files' in the Itch client (the working directory is usually C:\Users\[USER NAME]\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\Loot Rascals\)
This dump file can be quite large, so to send it to us you can use - the email address to send to is Alternatively, upload it somewhere (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) and email a link to it to us. If you have the facility, putting them in a zip/rar/7z file is also helpful.